I am interested in parting with early 1800 Japanese WoodBlock Prints that my military father obtained while occupying Japan. I have 12 which are in excellent condition.
Rene Turman <godsway@psknet.com>
Dugspur, Va USA - Monday, July 29, 2002 at 23:50:45 (EDT)
I want any one who have very good business plan, ideas and knowledge in Left-Hands japans cars to export from JAPAN. Cheapest and best cars. Please reply me so that I can explain it in briefly. No matter of money.The business should be unbelievable.e-mail : qamarbox@hotmail.com
Qamar <qamarbox@hotmail.com>
Dubai , UAE, DXB U.A.E - Monday, July 29, 2002 at 03:20:14 (EDT)
I am looking for outdoor copper sculpture; Height minimum 7 feet
michael ferron <mrferron@aol.com>
USA - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 10:16:15 (EDT)
Hi, I am looking for chopsticks and chopstick rests. Nothing too decorated as I will be beading over the top 4-5". I am looking for 20+ sets. Please let me send web address or email where I may purchase these. Send pictures if you have them. Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Ann Slaughter <annabell1972@iwon.com>
findlay, IL USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 10:33:52 (EDT)
I purchase and sell pre WW2 Shakuhachi
john singer <john@zenflute.com>
USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 12:51:16 (EDT)
HELP! Growing up we had glass wind chimes that I enjoyed so much and dream of to this day. They were rectangular pieces of flat, clear, thin glass. They had oriental designs on each piece of glass. I remember they were strung with about three to four levels. They had the most beautiful sound. I can't seem to find anyone who remembers them or knows where to look. Thank so much. JK
Jacque Killebrew <Jacks1251@netscape.net>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 18:47:01 (EDT)
Hi I am also looking for kimono or geisha related books... Any guzheng teachers in NYC with flexible hours?
aimee <aimeeismee@aol.com>
new york, ny USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 10:32:20 (EDT)
I am am looking for Chinese Foot Binding Shoes, Guzheng, Japanese Dolls, Kimonos and Kanzashi
Aimee <Aimeeismee@aol.com>
New York, ny USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 10:25:18 (EDT)
I am looking for a Noritake cup in the design Lorraine, a silver and blue style design.
Many thanks!
Eva Schmidt <evaschmidt@bigpond.com>
Maryborough, QLD Australia - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 04:41:57 (EDT)
Hy! Like anyone else before I'm asking for a shop where I can get JAPANESE SCHOOL UNIFORMS. If you know a place (in the internet),l plese write me...
Linda <lcassel@fkg.goe.ni.schule.de>
Göttingen, Niedersachsen Germany - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 10:53:38 (EDT)
I am looking for shikibuton.
Gail Murphy <murphs@austarnet.com.au>
QLD AUSTRALIA - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 23:28:22 (EDT)
JEFF GRINTER <jgbr31499@blueyonder.co.uk>
gloucester, United kingdom - Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 19:01:07 (EDT)
Hi, I am looking for some airsoft gun accessories. I have an electric Colt M4A1 Carbine, and is looking for a used Trijicon Acog scope or a used Aimpoint CompM2 scope. Please e-mail me if you have one.
Collins <DesertlxlEagle@aol.com>
Danville, CA USA - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 18:43:11 (EDT)
I would like to make friends with any Japanese boys or girls. I want to make some penpals. I am from Hong Kong, studying in America, and is in NY right now.I speak a little Japanese, so look forward for your e-mail! Thanks a million!
Olivia Saw <cutie_fishball@yahoo.com>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 17:24:18 (EDT)
Wish to receive message from any Japanee girl/woman who can do business with me for surgical,medical,dental,pliers,manicure, veterinary etc. instruments.
My email is above.
Miss Maria <shaariq@brain.net.pk>
Sialkot, , punjab Pakistan - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 03:22:47 (EDT)
i am looking for a shamisen for my wife who has lost her vision due to diabetic reasons.she played as a young girl in japan and would like to once again bring back some memories.if you have one that you dont need plese contact me.
r.c.elliott <thegeneral37e@hotmail.com>
santa ana, ca USA - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 02:51:45 (EDT)
I have a koto & shamisen for sale. If you are inetrested, send me a email. I will mail you the image for koto and other instruments.
Aiko Ichimura <aikop@erols.com>
NW, DC USA - Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 23:42:28 (EDT)
for sale used ventage restored or not, m.g. sports cars , whole cars or ungetable parts ,also parts for any make of british car the can not be found in your country, please send email for parts wanted , all car supplyed are left hand drive , also vans and lorrys ,
jack kaytaz <sakirkaytaz@hotmail.com.uk>
birmingham, u,k england ,u.k. - Monday, June 24, 2002 at 15:36:38 (EDT)
I am looking for a japanes woodblock print.
Time Shin Hanga (1920), the name of the print is "The cuckoo" and the Artist is Takane. I do not know if this is his first or last name.
I would appreciate any kind of information.
Aida Perez <aidaperez@web.de>
Cologne, germany - Monday, June 24, 2002 at 11:52:51 (EDT)
hi, i'm looking for the Japan Hagoita and hina dolls....anyone has it and would like to sell...
Lois <socklin@singnet.com.sg>
Singapore, Singapore - Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 11:59:58 (EDT)
Hello! Looking for somewhere that has red hakama for sale, preferably in the greater L.A. area. Please reply if you know of any stores. Thanks!
Nozomi <deuxanges@yahoo.com>
Orange, CA USA - Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 02:53:07 (EDT)
I have a Japaneese paper screen dated around 1700 by artist to-o,from the tosa school, any information or offers i will be greatful.
Gary Marsh <macushla4u@yahoo.co.uk>
London, UK - Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 19:15:36 (EDT)
Looking for sewing patterns for hagoita and oshie.Thanks
Jo Ann <joannsteve@msn.com>
Portalnd, OR USA - Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 11:53:47 (EDT)
Can someone please help me find a cheap pair of (Nik Dunk Hi 1999 NYC/LE black and yellow)and some blue and white ones
Brandon <NySpace86@Aol.com>
pionciana, Fl USA - Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 07:57:39 (EDT)
I am looking for a guzheng with twenty one strings
Alison <sugarbaby93@hotmail.com>
Delta, B.C. Canada - Monday, June 17, 2002 at 19:16:51 (EDT)
Hi, I'm looking for a origianl or replica ww2 japanese navy leather flight helmet winter or summer type. Please, help me to get one.
MARIO AGUS <giomari@tiscali.it>
olbia, italy - Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 10:44:59 (EDT)
We are searching for bamboo mats, tatame mats, bamboo flutes etc......
roy maggio <rosario@offthebeatenway.com>
new orleans, La. USA - Friday, June 14, 2002 at 18:19:26 (EDT)
Check out my website for great machine embroidery designs for all cultures http://www.hookedonembroidery.20megsfree.com These designs are very unique and popular, there is lots free for download aswell.
Daleen Lubbe <lubbedd@xsinet.co.za>
Port Shepstone, 027 RSA - Saturday, June 08, 2002 at 03:44:10 (EDT)
I have some great machine embroidery designs to share with you, lots free for download, very unique designs for any culture.
Daleen Lubbe <lubbedd@xsinet.co.za>
Port Shepstone, 027 RSA - Saturday, June 08, 2002 at 03:42:17 (EDT)
To Whom It May Concern:
I'm Aman I want auto scrapian website addresses if anybody knows please contact in email addresss..thanks i'm waiting for yours reply..
Mohammad Aman <m_aman18@hotmail.com>
Sharjah, Al khan united Arab Emirates - Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 01:44:32 (EDT)
I am looking for Japanese doll Kanzashi (fancy hair ornaments) can anyone send me info???
Diane <dmherriott@aol.com>
NAS Meridian, MS USA - Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 05:39:22 (EDT)
I am looking to purchase a pair of adidas roms deadstock!! price will not matter. please email if you have these shoes. i would prefer blue but will take anything. thank you
terence o'brien <Atomicdownhill@aol.com>
northboro, MA USA - Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 10:52:20 (EDT)
I need to PURCHASE a 1)samurai armour 2)samurai statue 3)kimono 4)Japanese Dolls 5)wall paper with Japanese patterns 6) Pictures of samurai for my Japanese restaurant. Those who have any of these, please email mi at < nicoll@hehe.com >
Nicole <nicoll@hehe.com>
singapore, singapore - Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 03:48:52 (EDT)
I have been studying iaido and aikiken for 6 years and recently started kendo however i am unable to continue practicing kendo.I recently bought 2 KENDO BOGU (FULL SUITS OF KENDO ARMOUR CONSISTING OF MEN DO TARE AND KOTE, ALSO INCLUDED WITH EACH IS A LARGE VYNL CARRY CASE) they have only been worn on one occasion and are IN PRESTINE condition they were purchased at 300 pounds sterling each. I am willing to sell for 400 or nearest offer for both sets. Contact me on my email address with enquirees. aarondow4now@hotmail.com
Aaron Dowie <aarondow4now@hotail.com>
Birkenhead, UK - Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 13:03:35 (EDT)
I am looking for merchant contact in Japan who sells Japanese doll parts like hands, eyes, hair, and small print silks.Any information will be helpful. Thank you Jan
Jan Miyasaki <cleardot@peoplepc.com>
Vernonia, OR USA - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 18:34:19 (EDT)
I am looking for vintage patio table umbrella's-the 50,60,70's kind with floral prints and pom-poms or fringe around the edging-any leads would be helpful. Thanx.
Mimi Douvier <tinksq@hotmail.com>
cols., OH USA - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 10:01:55 (EDT)
Hello.. I'm looking to buy some AirSoft guns. I'm looking for several new or used guns: 1)Tokyo Marui Biohazard Samurai Edge 2000 Kai C/S.E.-03 gas gun. 2)Tokyo Marui H&K G3 PSG-1 electric gun. 3)Luger P.08 (any brand) spring or gas. If you know where I can find these guns, or have some for sale please let me know. I NEED THESE FOR MY COLLECTION....PLEASE HELP!! Thanks in advance.
David Stenson <kryfacts@yahoo.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 20:59:40 (EDT)
I am looking for a shikibuton, a kakebuton, and plenty of other bedding products. I have also been looking for some good tatami mats, please email me any offers or links(english please) if you have or know of any. thanks...
Joshua Casario <lameduck@excite.com>
Austin, TX USA - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 11:32:44 (EDT)
hello, I am looking for afew things.
first recipe on making gofun. I am making a toso bunraku puppet and i wold like to cover it in gofun. I know its made from powdered oyster shell and a clear glue, but the ratio and alternate ingredients i would like to know about.
2nd, any diagrams, illustrations on all of the body parts of a bunraku puppet would be appreciated. I saw some online in small jpgs, but the japanese websites are all down.
Third, i would lke to find someone who has a mold or detailed instructions on making an itchimatsu doll.
If anyone has an old barbara adachi book, backstage at the bunraku or voices and hands of bunraku, please let me know.
julie sherman <damomdy@aol.com>
new market, TN USA - Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 17:42:58 (EDT)
I am looking for any items that have a playing card design, or a design with hearts, spades, diamonds & clubs.
Phil Rothman <cinfil@juno.com>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 22:19:46 (EDT)
I'm looking to buy a kimono, so email me with your offers. I don't know much about kimonos, but it'd have to be a larger size(I'm a big woman).
Alexandra Hester <hotarukoneko@hotmail.com>
Wheat Ridge, CO USA - Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 20:26:40 (EDT)
I am looking for Pachinko games. Working or not. Also Pachinko balls.
Also, I am trying to find out the name of each Pachinko, or a game number. Can any one help ?
Doug Vandegrift <spy-d@worldnet.att.net>
Paradise, CA USA - Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 23:23:46 (EDT)
One of our members was the captain of a Coast Guard cutter that rescued Japanese fisherman in the 1960s. He received, from the Japanese government, a Sakura (silk face)Japanese Friendship Doll. She is an 18" tall Geisha with flowers in her hair and an umbrella in one hand. She is in a glass case with black lacquered wooden frame. The doll is in mint condition. The doll has been donated to the church and proceeds of its sale will be for the work of the church. Bids are welcome.
Haworth Congregational Church <cddotz@hotmail.com>
Haworth, NJ USA - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 15:28:09 (EDT)
A parishioner has donated a Sakura (silk face) Japanese Friendship Doll given to him by the Japanese government for rescuing Japanese fisherman while he captained a U.S. Coast Guard Cutter in the 1960s. The doll is an 18" tall Geisha who has flowers in her hair and she holds an umbrella in her hand. In mint condition in a wooden frame glass case.
This is for sale by the church.
Haworth Congregational Church <cdgripz@hotmail.com>
Haworth, NJ USA - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 14:56:05 (EDT)
yes i want to no that if there are roninwarrior
toy left like rowen toys and ryo toys left so i
can buy them
wesley <hp09nj@ol.com>
willingboro, nj USA - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 11:11:38 (EDT)
We are looking for novelty key chains. Plastic shoes, toys etc,. in quantities of 144 minimum of each kind send web site and contact information
Bill Carmen <lorraine_bill @yahoo.com>
Largo, Fl USA - Monday, April 22, 2002 at 21:06:47 (EDT)
My family and I are looking for Ty beanie babies Asin Pacific set of 6 bears. We have many Ty to trade with. Please help us to complete our collections. Thank you.
Sue <sferg22@yahoo.com>
USA - Monday, April 22, 2002 at 08:48:07 (EDT)
PLEASE HELP !!! i cant find New Color Nike Air Rift size 8 or 8 1/2 on the NET . I can order e mail to me Jankazz@aol.com or ROxy10blue@aol.com Pease HELP
Janka <jankazz@aol.com>
Mcfarland, CA USA - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 21:48:34 (EDT)
Looking for Taiko drumming group in Philly or So. Jersey - I posted my email address incorrectly before, it's GMGIUSTO@AOL.COM
GG <gmgiusto@aol.com>
Philadelphia , PA USA - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 17:01:11 (EDT)
I am looking for lessons in Japanese Taiko drumming. Does anyone know of groups, schools or instructors in the Phila. or South Jersey area I could contact? Thanks!
GG <gmiusto@aol.com>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 16:59:04 (EDT)
I am looking for Moses Baskets made in China. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Tammy <Sparky@vcn.com>
Gillette, Wy USA - Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 16:48:26 (EDT)
I am looking for suppliers of imitation Japanese Geisha dolls that are made in China. The kind that you see on ebay. Thanks
tony <dupont_maiko@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 13:01:40 (EDT)
We sale old antique arms & armour
UDAIPUR, RAJASTHAN INDIA - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 07:12:06 (EDT)
I would like to learn Japanese. The best way I can think of is to invite someone into my little home to teach me. In return, I'll put you up fpr a month or more. Calif State Unv. of Chico is close by. I am older, But I do have rules. So, if you would like to visit the USA, Maybe I can help.
Doug Vandegrift <spy-d@worldnet.att.net>
Paradise, CA USA - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 01:17:23 (EDT)
I am looking for the following: Japanese schoolgirl uniforms (I need to make patterns). Japan cartoons in VHS or DVD, And pictures of Pachinko gaming centers. I rebuild Pachinkos. Also, I would like to make a few friends in japan, because I plan to spend a few weeks in Japan.
Doug Vandegrift <spy-d@worldnet.att.net>
Paradise, CA USA - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 00:55:09 (EDT)
Hi, please help me find a pair of nike dunk low brazils (pine green/yellow), size US 12? I would pay a really good price. And, I would also help find any sneakers here in New York that you may be looking for. I know it seems like a large foot size, and it is. But, I bought a pair of the red ones in size 12 from Asia before, so I know they're out there. Remember, big money for 'em. Thanks.
Adam <avonkre@prodigy.net>
NEW YORK, NY USA - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 17:50:29 (EDT)
Hi- I am looking for glass and wood display cases for my vintage Japanese dolls. 13- 16". Thank you so much, Barbara
Barbara <Nafie13@aol.com>
San Ramon, CA USA - Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 14:14:51 (EDT)
I'm looking for MOLTOBENE shampoo and condotioner for dry damaged hair.
Lucy <lucywife@yahoo.com>
Killeen, TX USA - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 12:24:05 (EDT)
I am looking for a geisha wig that is more authentic than those sold in regular American costume shops. I'm really not looking for one made specially for geisha, just something that's not extremely ugly. A costume wig is fine, just something with a better hairstyle than American-made geisha wigs!!!
Jayyne Thompson <jayyne@hotmail.com>
Kalamazoo, MI USA - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 21:21:58 (EDT)
Need to buy/rent KIMONO A.S.A.P. (before 22nd of April).Preferably old kimono if it's for sale.THANKS A BUNCH!
Cathy <storkybok@yahoo.com>
Subang, KL Malaysia - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 08:41:56 (EST)
Hi, I'm looking for the nike dunk low brazil (green/yellow) in size 12USA. will pay good price
Adam <avonkre@prodigy.net>
New York, ny USA - Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 20:53:10 (EST)
Hello! I am a UACC registered autograph dealer (#200),and deal in celebrity & WWII Military autographs.I service all want-lists in these areas.Let me know who you are looking for and i will try to locate them for you.Additionally,i need to know where i can purchase (wholesale?) Japanese Baseball card packs/boxes,and items/autographs,etc,related to Sumo wrestling. My sincere thanks.Respectfully....Jerry
Jerry Rubackin <jermyrauto@att.net>
Boston, Ma USA - Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 08:51:58 (EST)
Want to Buy Japanese antiques: Sudare, Pipes, Pipecases, scrolls, prints and more. Must be reasonable and in good condition. Thanks.
D. Morland <dmorland@sprintmail.com>
USA - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 18:03:26 (EST)
looking to purchase nike air rift in barn/essence colors size 6. think they are imports from japan. anyone know where to find? if so, please e-mail. thanks!
vanessa <vanessa@interport.net>
NYC, USA - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 23:11:31 (EST)
Want to buy damaged KIMONO & OBIs wholesale in bulk.
jb <maneki2u@hotmail.com>
USA - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 23:02:29 (EST)
i need to find someone who lives in the bay are who can help me with putting on my kimono for prom, will pay
Jessica melvin <onopopisdead@cs.com>
Vacaville, CA USA - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 15:48:33 (EST)
I am looking for help in finding out the value of a Japanese Painting called "The Secret" It was painted before 1960. Has Mamasan and Papasan, she is whispering in his ear, and she is holding a teapot.
If anyone can help me I would appreciate it.
Dorothy Snuggs <dotjohn@cyberback.com>
Mayflower, AR USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 16:31:28 (EST)
I am looking to buy American released sneakers NIKE, PUMA. ADIDAS, etc for Japanes collectors (old school releases, deadstock, hard to find sizes and colors) for a small finders fee and shipping. Maybe we can trade sneakers that weren't released oversees and abroad. Tell me what your looking for and I'll find it and send it to you.
Hot new styles and colors being produced for Spring and Summer. Dont miss out on the flyest kicks.
Email so we can talk.
Shawn <shawnaustin@worldnet.att>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 13:37:39 (EST)
Hello, I am looking for any information about geisha or maiko and any part of their lifestyles. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who has first hand experience. I want to know about everything. If there is a way I may be able to compensate for your time, let me know. Thank you so much and I look forward to your reply.
Jiemei Qiu <jaemi168@cs.com>
Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 06:14:47 (EST)
I have a pair of antique ladie's cufflinks, hand engraved in 18 K gold. (Dragon sitting on brick wall). Very valuable. Would like to sell them to help my son through university. ALSO, I own a copyrite for a specialty greeting card, cannot be plegiarized and is covered for 75 novelty items in addition to the greeting cards. Would like to sell the copyright (admired by Hallmark and Carleton), and let someone start their own business. In addition, I teach 8 medical programs including medical terminology, 3 levels, medical transcription, clinical procedures, basic pharmacology, basically all medical programs to become a Medical Administration/Clinical Assistant. All of the above in Canada. 17 years experience teaching the medical program. I would also be interested in transcribing all or any medical research random control trial studies. Am able to teach the medical programs online. Anyone interested??
Barbara Hodgkins <pro.bar@shaw.ca>
Calgary, AB Canada - Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 00:53:26 (EST)
Housemanager housekeeper cook wanted;private furnished room;adult no drugs, or smoking;buddhist or spiritual values necessary. Responsible,clean,dependable,honest,respectful,healthy, for caring for us, a married couple & pets that are the same. Florida large fengsui home. Will consider couple, looking for single or retired.
Seraphina Stubbs <lifeforcesolutions@cfl.rr.com>
Merritt Island, FL USA - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 12:52:36 (EST)
I am looking for a supplier that has reasonable prices on the resin oriental statues such as buddahs, elephants, etc. I am also interested in the jade-look paperweights which are buddahs also. I sell lucky items at the fleamarket. Thanks
J.Lee Keys <jwilliams1614@comcast.net>
Hattiesburg, MS USA - Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 12:43:54 (EST)
Toby Lueke <sakinkc@hotmail.com>
kc, mo USA - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 20:56:37 (EST)
We are exportering the well furnished products of knives and swords from last 15 years.
Arshad Iqbal <info@kestrel.com.pk>
Sialkot, pu pakistan - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 07:27:15 (EST)
keychain,keychainresin,shell,crab,flower,paper weight,lantern lamp,picture frame,souvenir,seashell,made of resin from natural real original handmade made in thailand
A&T keychainresin,handmade keychain,keychainresin,shell,crab,made from natural <keychain@keychainresin.com>
pattaya, chonburi thailand - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 12:32:05 (EST)
I'm looking for manufactures of tabi and zori and
in japan!!please help
gregor stehle <gregor.stehle@web.de>
Strassburg, France - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 08:48:20 (EST)
I'm interested in buying a guzheng, if anyone knows where I can purchase one in Canada please tell me or tell me how much one costs in canadian. Thanks
Sarah <Sabrielle_99@yahoo.ca>
Hamilton, Canada - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 11:48:27 (EST)
I have 40+ pieces of Noritake Mayfair 6109 china I would like to sell. All pieces are in excellent condition with no chips, cracks or scratches, and no loss of platinum edging. They look brand new! Please email if interested and I will send a list.
Bruce Sikors <lonestarorchids@houston.rr.com>
La Marque, TX USA - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 19:24:08 (EST)
We are online ukiyo-e auction site. We are currently looking for ukiyo-e consignments for March 2002 auction. For details, please visit the URL above.
__ Doitsu no Ukiyo-e (Auction) Rakusatsu-kai migetsu okonatteimasu! Tadaima 3Gatsu Rakusatsu-kai ukiyo-e boshu. Kuwashiku wa info@artelino.com he. Nihongo (Roma ji), German, English de okigaruni Dozo :-)
John <info@artelino.com>
Pullach, Germany - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 17:21:59 (EST)
I'm trying to find a cooktop like what is used in Japanese Grills where they cook in front of you, to be put into my home kitchen. Electric or gas
Al <al.robbins@wellmaninc.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 15:16:39 (EST)
L@@king to purchase a good qualitiy GO GAME, with board & playing pieces made out of stones and shells.
David Sterling <dsterling@houston.rr.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 21:39:18 (EST)
I am after the Japanese 'symbol' for the word Shibumi, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Anthony <anthonyterina@ozemail.com.au>
Adeliade, SA Australia - Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 00:03:36 (EST)
I am wondering where I could get a Japanese school bag, like on Sailor Moon or Tenchi Muyo. Any Websites or information would be greatly appreciated:). Thank you.
Crystal <sasami102@hotmail.com>
naugatuck, CT USA - Saturday, January 19, 2002 at 20:12:59 (EST)
I am interested in buying new or pre owned Kyudo equipment ie Bow & arrows to suit a beginner something to suit a height of 5feet 9 inches
Michael Adamson <locleone@aol.com>
Durham, United Kingdom - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 12:06:43 (EST)
I am looking for old or antique Kokeshi Dolls.
Jenn Pelton <jjahpelt@konnect.net>
USA - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 18:32:53 (EST)
eddie feliciano <pageddie@hotmail.com>
yonkers, ny USA - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 20:49:40 (EST)
I'm looking for tatami mats to purchase here in Hawaii or elsewhere if they can be reasonably shipped.
Jim Lawson <jimlawson@hawaii.rr.com>
Honolulu, Hi USA - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 18:37:48 (EST)
I am looking for someone to trade Japanese Exclusive ty beanie babies for Canadian or American Ty beanies
Rita Pinkney <coolcherryme@hotmail.com>
Alberta, Ab Canada - Friday, January 11, 2002 at 00:17:37 (EST)
I've looked everywhere; I know of trying to find some crosscut cypress wood for clocks. If anyone can help me please email me with the information.
Thank You
Eddie Marshall
eddie marshal;l <eddiex@parrett.net>
benton harbor, mi USA - Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 21:51:32 (EST)
Hi, I am a graduate from RGS,Hwa Chong JC and NUS, seeking to teach Primary Maths, Secondary Maths and others. I scored 7 As for my GCE O Levels. Interested, please page at 95464389.Prompt Reply.
Gladys <hibee123@yahoo.com>
SINGAPORE - Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 07:49:16 (EST)
Looking for some Ninja equipment such as the suits , mask , weapons , books about ninja's moves & other things about Ninja Martial Arts .
Douglas Dwayne Damm <iceslam@yahoo.com>
Sabah, Malaysia - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 20:16:22 (EST)
Looking for bulk vintage japanese textiles, cottons and silks for quilting. Fragments, scraps, partial komonos desirable.
melissa kolodzik <mkolodzik@yahoo.com>
cincinnati, oh USA - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 13:26:17 (EST)
I am looking for vintage japanese fabric, preferably from kimomos for quilting. Fragments and scraps okay. Cotton and silks, desired
Melissa Kolodzik <mkolodzik>
Cincinnati, oh USA - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 13:18:45 (EST)
Some nice boy's day dolls including a pair in wonderful samurai armor,2 excellent old wooden netsuke,woodblock prints-serious buyers,please email for details-prices range 100-800.00.
Alan Suits
Alan Suits <bara4@qwest.net>
santa fe, NM USA - Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 11:17:53 (EST)
I need contacts in Japan who might be able to supply or find Japanese vinyl or cd records (singles and albums) by some major artists 1965-2000 (examples: ABBA, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Hep Stars, Kraftwerk, Queen, Roxette, U2). I buy or swap (I have a lot of interesting records to trade with), collections or single items.
Jan <jforsberg@zeta.telenordia.se>
SWEDEN - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 06:41:24 (EST)
Looking for Japanese schoolgirl uniform, or anyone in Japan who is willing to help me make the purchase. I am willing to pay for your help.
Shadow <iloveemail@bigfoot.com>
Singapore, Singapore - Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 09:39:42 (EST)
Check out the new web site for Natural Isotonix Supplements. I great way to get your nutrition without a "pill". Just go to www.sheppard.unfranchise.com and enjoy all the secure shopping you desire.
Thanks for looking
C Sheppard <sheppardenterprises@yahoo.com>
Alderson, WV USA - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 15:17:46 (EST)
ACCRA, GHANA - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 16:43:25 (EST)
Dear Antique collectors,
My name is Hassan, I take this opportunity to introduce my self as an antique dealer, I deal in "GANDHARA ART"
I am from Pakistan, settled in Dallas,TX,with my family back in peshawer,Pakistan ,which as u know was the capital
of ancient gandhara region,
This is my family business since over 50 years and i am a source of regular supply to a number of antique dealers in
USA, NY and other cities and to European markets.
all other characters in gandhara art besides Buddha is also available in all styles and quality
all my stuff is FULLY GUARANTEED as genuine and i fully satisfy the buyer,MY PRICE IS MOST COMPETATIVE,
I have contacts at the source and there is no middlle man
I also deal in hand made antique rugs and carpets,from pakistan,india, iran and afghanistan
if u feel intrested please reply me and i will mail u photos of the pieces
Happy holidays and happy business
hassan <dosti101@hotmail.com>
dallas, tx USA - Friday, December 21, 2001 at 02:33:37 (EST)
Greetings -
I am seeking Byobu, hand painted, original Japanese screens. Please send photo and asking price to RKTect001@aol.com. Domo.
Jeffrey Weber <RKTect001@aol.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 03:52:18 (EST)
I need two descramblers for under $150 each with romote and functioning well
Quoc Tran <azn_boi2000@hotmail.com>
montreal, qc canada - Monday, December 17, 2001 at 20:01:42 (EST)
hello, I'm looking for a pair of Nike Air Super Fly trainers from last year, they are grey and red and i am after a size 9 (UK size) and also a pair of Nike Air Rift Leather in Black, same size. Let me know if you know where I can get them from. Thanks.
Amar <netclubber@hotmail.com>
UK - Friday, December 14, 2001 at 13:04:09 (EST)
Woodblock prints for sale:
Hiroshige, "Hiratsuka" (View of Mt. Fuji) [1855]
Hokusai, "Yoshino" (Cherryblossoms at Yoshino mountain of Nara [1832]
irving malpaso <travbick@yahoo.com>
USA - Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at 18:00:06 (EST)
keychain,keychainresin,shell,crab,flower,paper weight,lantern lamp,picture frame,souvenir,seashell,made of resin from natural real original handmade made in thailand www.keychainresin.com
A&T keychainresin,handmade keychain,keychainresin,shell,crab,flower,made from natural real <keychain@keychainresin.com>
pattaya, thailand - Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at 01:30:15 (EST)
I would like to buy a Vietnamese Dan Tranh, which is like a small koto. I might also be interested in a koto or Chinese Guzheng if anyone has one they'd like to sell. Please contact me at awapuhi@iname.com Thanks!
David Sizemore <awapuhi@iname.com>
Kingsport , TN USA - Monday, December 10, 2001 at 15:52:04 (EST)
Hi Im Bert Cura of the Philippines and im looking for a girl to be my friend "asawa" if anything!!!
bert b cura <bertbcura@hotmail.com>
Manila, philippines - Monday, December 10, 2001 at 07:09:28 (EST)
Hello, I'm looking for a japanese school top in my size. The black jacket-like shirt that has the coller, buttoned.
Michael Tsang <chiyaung@yahoo.com>
Walse, UK - Sunday, December 09, 2001 at 05:28:22 (EST)
I am selling a complete bogu set for KENDO. Used only for 8 months. Selling for $500 negotiable.
With men, kote, tare, do, hakama, dogi. For female 5'ft up, 90 lbs up.
maria agabin <eagabin@yahoo.com>
manila, Phil - Sunday, December 09, 2001 at 02:53:02 (EST)
I am looking for buyers to buy glamorous,rennasance,peasent,Gunne Sax,....Vintage clothing?
toni guido <vntglady2@aol.com>
seattle, wa USA - Friday, December 07, 2001 at 01:21:09 (EST)
my name is cyrielle and i am saiding this letter because i am searching for calgary symbol so if you have some thing about theme pleas said me them at cyrielleo@yahoo.fr
cyrielle <cyrielleo@yahoo.fr>
calgary, Alberta canada - Thursday, December 06, 2001 at 21:34:27 (EST)
I did a "favor-of-a-lifetime" for a very wealthy Japanese businessman. He gave me an extremely expensive Kimono that has never been used. This Kimono is extravagant and stunning. It is even laced with gold throughout the entire piece. I am selling it and I would be happy to email pictures of it if you email me!
Robert <rmccardle@sc.rr.com>
Columbia, SC USA - Wednesday, December 05, 2001 at 11:34:53 (EST)
I need photographs (scanned) of modern and contemporary Japanese authors: Akagawa Jiro, Enchi Fumiko, Endo Shusaku, Higuchi Ichiyo, Hirabayashi Taiko, Inoue Yasushi, Kajii Motojiro, Kojima Nobuo, Mori Ogai, Nakajima Atsushi, Sakaguchi Ango, Satomi Ton, Shono Junzo, Tsushima Yoko, Yoshiyuki Junnosuke, etc. for illustrations in a Japanese Literature in Translation course. Thanks.
William J. Tucker <wtucker@accessus.net>
Olney, IL USA - Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 15:18:04 (EST)
I am interested in obtaining lighted jade porcelain angels with glowing floral bouquet pearl accents light up 7" tall battery operated
Forward wholesale quotes to
Yorktowne, 1028 Evergreen Dr. Pgh Pa 15235 USA
Tel and Fax 412-795-4900
J V Sozynski <jsozynski@yorktownecaskets.com>
Pittsburgh, Pa USA - Friday, November 30, 2001 at 14:53:58 (EST)
We are seeking for importers or exporters of wooden buddha. We are the manufacturers of several types of wooden buddha. e.g..Bodhagaya, Sarnath, Sleeping, Skeleton Buddhas etc.
Mr. Rajesh kr. sharma <info@buddha-place.com>
Varanasi, UP India - Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 08:57:34 (EST)
Somebody Help me find and buy the Nike Dunk low in the Brazil colors (yellow/green) size 9.5 and up. thesneakerpimp will reward you
Raymond <thesneakerpimp_com@hotmail.com>
Seattle, Wa USA - Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 06:17:50 (EST)
Looking for an assistance from the United States of Amirica and any part of the world outside Africa to help in securing DIAMOND and Gold for me.Interested person should contact me with my e-mail.
ALSENY CISSE <alycisse01@hotmail.com>
Nouakchott, Mauritania - Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 14:15:06 (EST)
Hello, My name is Lauren Scacchi. I am Thirteen years old. I want to become a animator for disney.
Lauren Scacchi <riverbees@att.net>
Broadview hts. , Ohio USA - Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 18:10:41 (EST)
I am looking to find a manufacturer or seller of
japanese schoolgirl uniform/sailor suit in ladies size.
Anthony <tony52_@excite.com>
Cayce, SC USA - Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 19:28:15 (EST)
I am looking for a pair of Maiko geta, OKOBO in size 9 or 10 U.S. Women's (26.5 or 27 Japan women's) PLEASE e-mail me if you have any info. ~Thanx
Himiko <HimikoZ@hotmail.com>
USA - Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 13:33:25 (EST)
I have aquired what may be a WWII Samurai Sword war trophy. Not factory made. Brown wooden scabbard and handle with 8 metal bands. Blade very sharp with heat treating patterning. No handguard, copper collar. I am not a collector, wish to sell this weapon. Can you refer my inquiry about value? Thank you.
Bruce Griffith <griffi20@bigplanet.com>
Dumont, NJ USA - Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 06:59:13 (EST)
I'm looking for a pair of loose socks. ^^ I understand they're very popular in Japan and yet.. I can't find any place to buy them. If anyone knows where I could find them, please e-mail me. Thank you!
Emiko <Emikoluvsyou@aol.com>
FL USA - Friday, November 23, 2001 at 20:04:17 (EST)
I am looking for a couple of woodblock prints of Touriki Tomkichiro which are in the set of 13 Views of Koyoto. Does anyone have any to sell?
Norma Belmonte <chipper@wi.tds.net>
Necedah, WI USA - Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 20:47:28 (EST)
Does anyone know where I can purchase a pair of Iron Geta (Tetsu Geta)? Please email me if you do. Thanks!
Mark Thornton <S3700@hotmail.com>
Austin, TX USA - Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 22:12:32 (EST)
Hello, I am recently engaged and looking for a wedding kimono or other formal kimono to wear for this event as I do not like standard western wear. I'm also needing information on how to wear sone of these garments. Thank you.
Melissa Pye <scaythe@hotmail.com>
alpharetta, ga USA - Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 15:40:46 (EST)
Hi there... my dad loves the band X-Japan and i'm looking for any of their books to present him this X'mas... please contact me if you have anything related to X-Japan for sale... Thanks
Karen Ashley <ashiedear@hotmail.com>
Singapore - Friday, November 16, 2001 at 08:29:34 (EST)
i have 2 GIANT HAGOITA dolls (battledore/paddle dolls)for sale, ea. 27" tall, one is geisha, one kabuki warrior. one of a kind handmade by oldest, largest, and most prestigious doll maker in japan. museum caliber. email back for details.
douglas bailey <artful2@earthlink.net>
aptos, ca USA - Monday, November 12, 2001 at 20:31:42 (EST)
Looking for original Japanese designs for tattowork. Thanks.
Daan Verbruggen <info@darumatattoo.com>
Antwerp, Belgium - Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 11:23:24 (EST)
we are manufacturer & exporters of crystal, Sandalwood & other semiprecious stone statues of God & Goddess of Buddhist & Hindu esp. Buddha,Tara,Padmasambhava, vazar,Phurbha, Ganesha, Shivlingam. we are seeking for importers, Wholesalers & retailer around the world.
Vijay Gupta <bijai@hotmail.com>
Jaipur, Rajasthan INDIA - Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 09:27:18 (EST)
Please help me find Tabi socks.
MK Purdy <Marci1048@hotmail.com>
Kalamazoo, MI USA - Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 19:25:07 (EST)
Help me find a buddha statue for garden use
about 50cm high Japanese style.
Kenneth Croneland <kenneth.croneland@swipnet.se>
Malmoe, SWEDEN - Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 04:23:46 (EST)
I am looking for shikibuton. I will need two.
Janet Beckman <beckmanj@Jesusanswers.com>
Topeka, KS USA - Monday, October 29, 2001 at 17:02:25 (EST)
I am looking for wholesale sources for Daruma dolls for my store in Illinois. Good wholesale prices only, please.
Logan WIlde <zcc@home.com>
USA - Monday, October 29, 2001 at 12:03:03 (EST)
I would want to realize a kimono. is someone that it knows like is made?
Nicola <sausa@libero.it>
carpi, italy - Friday, October 26, 2001 at 09:07:48 (EDT)
I am looking for a new friend in Japan who would be willing to trade or buy beanies that are exclusive in Japan! Please let me know if you are interested! Thanks!
Michelle Sheley <chynnagirl614@aol.com>
Cleveland, Oh USA - Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 23:47:19 (EDT)
COLTON, CA USA - Tuesday, October 09, 2001 at 20:51:18 (EDT)
Hello. I'm looking for a private instructor to teach me conversational Japanese, preferably a college student. I lived in Kumamoto, Japan for 1 year and a half. Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks
Keesha <keesha24@hotmail.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, October 08, 2001 at 09:07:44 (EDT)
I am looking for a kimono and obi, along with all the pieces requiered to wear it properly (ie the nagajuban, slip, obi-jime, obi-age, ect, ect)
Please contact me if you can help me.
Laura <llovettusn@aol.com>
Suffolk, VA USA - Monday, October 08, 2001 at 00:11:20 (EDT)
I am interested in finding gogatsu yoroi or Boys Day armors, in any condition. Will pay fair prices
for appropriate sets. Also miniature swords, email pictures with descriptions.
phil mcleod <pmcleod@mnsi.net>
windsor, ON canada - Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 14:14:40 (EDT)
I'm looking for a copy of the VHS video of Kawabata Yasunari's "The Izu Dancer," directed by Gosho Heinosuke in 1933. It is a silent, black and white film.
William J. Tucker <wtucker@accessus.net>
Olney, IL USA - Wednesday, October 03, 2001 at 01:35:07 (EDT)
Hi, I would like to find someone who is interested in collecting Ty beanie babies who would be willing to become penfriends and possibly want to exchange exclusive beanies.
Mindy <dm31156@atcjet.net>
NE USA - Tuesday, October 02, 2001 at 10:36:50 (EDT)
With the great pleasure we wish to introduce ourselves as one of the bonafide
and a specialist Manufacturer and Exporters of all types of Swords, Pocket/Hunting
Knives alongwith Leather Sheaths in all regular colors, All Sorts of Scissors & Pliers.
E-mail: info@rocorpn.com
S.A. Razzak <info@rocorpn.com>
sialkot, pu pakistan - Tuesday, October 02, 2001 at 01:08:47 (EDT)
Hi! I am looking for "Hirauchi Kanzashi." I am only interested in the metal (any kind of metal is fine) kind, 2 pronged, with a flat circular design at the top with the "mimikaki" part on top of that. I am willing to pay a reasonable price.
Thanks for your time!
Axia <axe@simssoftware.com>
USA - Sunday, September 30, 2001 at 02:56:45 (EDT)
Ace auto sale need a sharp and ambitious sales representative who wants to make money.
Experience not required but experience is A plus we pay salary plus commission.
please contact Huss 310-670-5010
Huss Shaw <info@ampm-rental.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Saturday, September 29, 2001 at 17:43:22 (EDT)
I am trying to find out something about Japanese paintings that I have. They are brightly colored scenes of Japanese country with Mt. Fuji in the background. They appear to be painted on silk and probably date back to the 1940's.
Suzanne Resetar <suzanne0708@aol.com>
West Mifflin, Pa USA - Saturday, September 29, 2001 at 11:26:06 (EDT)
I am an art student in college who would like to learn how to create quality pictures of Anime and create my own. I really would like to learn how to do this soon. Thank you.
Rebecca <RWATERS@cazcollege.edu>
Cazenovia, NY USA - Saturday, September 29, 2001 at 10:27:53 (EDT)
Type-98 Gyroscope. Large brass instrument
made by Mitsubishi Shipyard. Any information on this item appreciated.
Walter Parrish <Trazzler@hotmail.com>
Boca Raton, Fl USA - Friday, September 28, 2001 at 14:52:31 (EDT)
We are manufacturing Crystal, Lepis, Wood(White & Sandal) Figures of Buddha, Vajra, Phurba, Kapala, Lokeshwar, Padmasambhav etc.
Madhu Singhal <shivshaktiarts@shivshaktiarts.com>
Jaipur, Rajasthan India - Wednesday, September 26, 2001 at 07:31:08 (EDT)
Wanted to buy WW2 vintage Japanese flare pistol cartridges, empty or loaded, 20mm,28mm,and 35 mm. Please email details, Thank you, Don
Don S <dfsjpn@aol.com>
IA. USA - Tuesday, September 18, 2001 at 17:17:35 (EDT)
Hello, I am looking for a japanese girl's uniform skirt, navy blue, or any source for unifroms in the japanese style, floppy socks as well, anyone know of any websites? Thank you
Rei <ayanamirei36@aol.com>
Columbia, MD USA - Saturday, September 15, 2001 at 21:19:23 (EDT)
JACKIE CHAN (SING LUNG): Looking for Jackie Chan Japanese photo books from the 1980's. I will pay you top dollar. Please contact me if you have any for sale. Thanks. kmysak@optonline.net
Katharine <kmysak@optonline.net>
Southold, NY USA - Friday, September 07, 2001 at 11:50:59 (EDT)
perogies and cabbage rolls made daily.over 35 years experince.to order contact me at wtchywn@kitty.ca
theresastraza <wtchywn@kitty.ca>
simcoe, ont canada - Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 00:56:20 (EDT)
I am making dolls.Japanese influenced liquiche casted dolls, cloth dolls with hard coverings. what I need are jpgs, gifs, BMPs of faces from japanese prints.
I would also like hakama pattern if someone has one to lend or can scan in scale pattern.
Also looking for instructions and recipes on making gofun, and toso composition for doll bodies.
julie sherman <docjulie@bellsouth.net>
new market, tn USA - Sunday, September 02, 2001 at 18:31:48 (EDT)
We can provide bamboo incense stick for different diameters and lengths. welcome to our company for pick up what you need
Zheng xinhua <zxinhua2001@163.com>
Jianyan, Fujian China - Tuesday, August 28, 2001 at 09:13:24 (EDT)
Looking for 10 people interested in making money from home.Great training,and follow up
Minimum investment required
Tracy Spears <spears_tracy@hotmail.com>
USA - Monday, August 27, 2001 at 21:25:46 (EDT)
Can somebody please help me find glass wind chimes? I remember them growing up and was able to purchase them up until about 5 years ago. They were made from flat pieces of glass that had designs painted on them. They were attatched to metal rims and had a paper tag hung below the glass. They were very inexpensive and broke very easily,but they made the most wonderful sound. Please help me if you can. Thank you
Maggie Bresnahan <mageb123@aol.com>
Vineyard Haven, Ma USA - Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 10:52:18 (EDT)
Japanese indoor Tabi. These are the best quality that we sell and use. We stock a full line of Ninja and Samurai products from japan.
Stephen <seikodojo@aol.com>
canton, michigan USA - Tuesday, August 21, 2001 at 14:11:16 (EDT)
I would like to know is ther any Janpaness Publishers who publish JApan Magazine and book in SIngapore. Pls let me know if you happen to know it.
Karen <karen93@sseayp.org>
Singapore, singapore - Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 02:32:58 (EDT)
I would like to buy a yukata in the new hawaiian prints that are available now from someone in Japan
Courtney <nyankokitty@home.com>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Thursday, August 09, 2001 at 22:59:23 (EDT)
Two antique Japanese dolls. One is a warrior, one is an emperor. (Warrior's foot slightly damaged). Clothing is exquisite! Dolls are approx. 16" high.
Ellen Ilconich <ilconiche@aol.com>
Marlton, NJ USA - Wednesday, August 08, 2001 at 14:54:29 (EDT)
I am looking for an authentic katana and wakasashi set. Seller perferably located in Australia. Up to $500 (aus) will be paid for right set. Please foward photos/comments (japanese ok) to above email address. thanks.
M. Boyd <t1barcode@hotmail.com>
Wodonga, Vic Australia - Tuesday, August 07, 2001 at 06:12:43 (EDT)
I am very interested in learning the Japanese language! I am also quite interested in the learning the koto, tea ceremony and many other things regarding Japanese culture! Please email me if you can assist in any way!
Arigato Gozaimashita
Tzezuko <Tzezuko@otakumail.com>
Magnolia, De USA - Sunday, August 05, 2001 at 23:29:29 (EDT)
i looking a pair of white tabi.please send your price and size (size 7) to me.
shinobi makusaya <ultramanshasow_diga@yahoo.co.uk>
Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia - Sunday, August 05, 2001 at 10:02:48 (EDT)
I'm looking for suppliers who supply apparels, accessories, footwear etc etc, preferably catering to age group of 15-30. Please email me with your quotations/pictures. Tks.
Jean <etro88@pacific.net.sg>
Singapore - Thursday, August 02, 2001 at 22:10:20 (EDT)
I need information on recently acquired Japanese woodblock print. Excellent condition. Print has a small white sheet on the back that reads: MASUMOTO PRINT.
No. 105
The Matsumoto Print Works
Nagoya, Japan
This one is of an eagle on a branch; print length 3 3/4" x height 7 3/4 ". Appreciate info.
San Marcos, Ca USA - Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 02:07:32 (EDT)
Want to purchase prison / jail related items. Inmate or guard uniforms, handcuffs, legirons, etc. Also would like to obtain criminal wanted posters from other countries than the USA.
Chuck Palmer <palmerdsl@qwest.net>
USA - Friday, July 27, 2001 at 18:07:48 (EDT)
Want a supplier of new shunga netsuke, one and two piece, willing to sell internationally.
Chuck Palmer <palmerdsl@qwest.net>
USA - Friday, July 27, 2001 at 18:01:51 (EDT)
I need many TY Nectar beanies. I have many TY international bears - Unity, Buckingham, Britannia beanies and buddies for exchange.
Thank you.
Malina Tan <minnie3393@aol.com>
London, England - Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 20:52:30 (EDT)
I am in search of authentic Katana and wakasashi.
Will pay big money for the right items. The older the better. Many thanks
Michael Pinilla <roninwarrior@start.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 04:37:11 (EDT)
I'm a college student, looking for lessons in the shamisen, or possibly koto. I am very interested in the traditional Japanese arts, and would also be interested in shodo or tea ceremony lessons if I can't take shamisen. I speak some Japanese.
Thank you very much.
A. Wilkes <the_mother_thing@zensearch.net>
Tallahassee, Fl USA - Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 20:37:23 (EDT)
I sell one of a kind, hand-made Haori (Kimono Jackets) They are very beautiful and would make any woman happy! The retail in shops in Los Angeles for $440, but I will sell them online wholesale for $200. Let me know.
Cathy Krantz <ckrantz@fourcornersonline.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 16:55:22 (EDT)
Japanese woodblock prints for sale. The collection contains several artists, and about 80 prints in all. I would like to sell by the piece or all together. The prints are all appraised and ready for sale. If you have interests please contact me....thanks, brandy
brandy braxton <blackhorse@voyager.net>
oscoda, mi USA - Monday, July 09, 2001 at 16:52:24 (EDT)
john <jendeacott@hotmail.com>
UK - Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 06:36:33 (EDT)
Wanted: japanese swords prior WW2 and a used but still good set of Shinto and Koto Taikan books by Limura at a reasonable price.
Jens <zipcol@gmx.net>
Munich, Germany - Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 17:50:57 (EDT)
Wanted: Traditional costume and Hina Dolls. Old & new. Also modern fashion dolls. Hand made. Very good condition, with or without display case. I buy and sell. Thank you.
Jan <janal@bigpond.com.au>
Australia - Friday, June 29, 2001 at 19:37:46 (EDT)
Help! I am looking to buy a kimono for my wedding! let me know if you know anywhere I can buy or mail authentic kimono
Suomi Iizuka <iizukasuomi@hotmail.com>
uk - Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 10:39:56 (EDT)
I am looking to purchase a pair of Japanese Iron Geta, please email jacsmith4506@yahoo.com
jacsmith4506 <jacsmith4506@yahoo.com>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 10:26:33 (EDT)
I am looking for a supplier of Yukata (or similar) fabric in the UK please.
Polly <maybabe31@hotmail.com>
London, UK - Monday, June 25, 2001 at 06:20:41 (EDT)
I sell Oolong and Green tea , top and medium quality .
I also sell japanese Greenteas : Sencha and Gyokuro at very competitive prices .
Georg A. Tobler <georg01@loxinfol.co.th>
USA - Friday, June 22, 2001 at 06:08:09 (EDT)
i want to find shop that sell kimono or yukata in Malaysia. thank you
ichiryu <wayama_love@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 22, 2001 at 05:51:02 (EDT)
A shopping site in English filled with Japanese Products
Silk kimonos, dolls, oriental wall prints, Ukiyoe prints , Suzuki motorcycles and other incredible collectibles/products.
For more information, go to http://www10.org1.com/~abcweb/ Remember, they accept requests!!
nia <f-japan@tk12.org1.com>
Hiroshima, Japan - Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 14:21:29 (EDT)
Looking for someone who restrings patio umbrellas.
Marie Lyles <lylesdarnell@msn.com>
Bowie, MD USA - Friday, June 15, 2001 at 10:59:34 (EDT)
MANUEL ZAPATA <zapata@telcel.net.ve>
MIAMI, FL USA - Monday, June 11, 2001 at 19:24:19 (EDT)
searching 1 or 2 shikibuton, about 90 cm wide.
preferably from the east coast of the U.S.
if you know of any stores or if you have any
shikibuton to sell, please contact me by email.
grey <greyangel@aol.com>
pittsburgh, pa USA - Monday, June 11, 2001 at 10:03:31 (EDT)
I am looking for Japanese Sword books. If you have, let me know with price.
Jinsoo Kim <jkim27@po-box.mcgill.ca>
Montreal, QC Canada - Saturday, June 09, 2001 at 01:45:44 (EDT)
Dear All
I want to buy used Japan/Taiwan/China phone cards
please feel free to email me at : yhgohsg@yahoo.com
Thank you
and have a nice day
Patrick <yhgohsg@yahoo.com>
Singapore, singapore - Friday, June 08, 2001 at 11:21:25 (EDT)
I am looking for a violin selfinstractor book.
Valeriya <Valeriya7@msn.com>
los angeles, ca USA - Thursday, June 07, 2001 at 03:05:57 (EDT)
For sale: original ainu knife (museums have first choice); 2 old ivory signed netsuke of lucky gods; old original woodblock painting; inro, ivory, lacquerware panel with ivory inlayed.
ancient painting of ise-monogatari (1620).
For serious collectors. Mail me for comments/offers/questions.
Bas van Weelde <bvweelde@mediakabel.nl>
Zoetermeer, zh holland - Thursday, May 31, 2001 at 07:32:09 (EDT)
I am interested in finding out the value of a pair of children's geta. They are from approx. the 40's or 50's, hand carved and hand painted. If you have any info, please contact.
Nichole <nikkio_143@yahoo.com>
Tacoma, WA USA - Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 13:51:52 (EDT)
I am looking for a sword, for a wedding present for my fiance. If you have a sword, and can send me a picture of it.I will get back to you.
jessica Moses <Jessicalyn@jessicasmail.com>
Cortland, NY, NY USA - Monday, May 28, 2001 at 11:20:30 (EDT)
Urgent, I am looking for a special, stunning, and breath-taking KIMONO for my incredible boyfriend. I'd like quality material and mint condition. Will pay big bucks! Please HELP me, he is going away and I'd love to send it with him!!! He is quite tall so a big size preferable. Thanks!!!
Leigh Miller <leighmilla@hotmail.com>
Sydney, Australia - Sunday, May 27, 2001 at 08:46:41 (EDT)
I am in search of a japanese wall sconce...just one! Help!?!
Kim <ksellick@triad.rr.com>
Greensboro, NC USA - Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 22:57:03 (EDT)
Looking for producers/dealers of Kimonos - new and vintage. Rather low prices required.Purpose: import to Europe.
Grazyna Socha <sochakor@shinbiro.com>
Seoul, South Korea - Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 09:30:38 (EDT)
I'm lookin for a picture of a buddha. I'm not sure what typr of buddha it's called, but this is what it looks like; it's fat, bald, has kinds big long ears, and always smiles, and wears a robe, please, if you have ANY pictures or any information where i can get pictures of this certain buddha, please please please e-mail me with some info! Thanks!
Kay <goldybowl@yahoo.com>
USA - Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 01:29:53 (EDT)
I am looking for a Kanji symbol for a tattoo design. My girlfriend and I want to get matching tattoos to symbolize our love. Something like eternal love or something along those lines. Any suggestions or different ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much
valentio garza <fury@defnet.com>
Defiance, OH USA - Monday, May 21, 2001 at 21:13:45 (EDT)
Now open, Wind and Sea Creations, for all of your anime cosplaying! We create the costumes of your dreams.
Haruka and Michiru <haruka.michiru@wind-and-sea.com>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, May 17, 2001 at 14:20:33 (EDT)
Grand Opening of FIND JAPAN website
Find Japanese products through this website. Kimonos, motorcycles, chopsticks and more!! Request a product if it isn't listed! Learn about present day Japan's trends, seasonal guides and more! Go to the message board to write in a line! What are you waiting for? Go to http://www12.org1.com/~f-japan/
Shigeru Tamura <f-japan@tk12.org1.com>
USA - Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 12:09:16 (EDT)
I am looking for someone in Japan to trade postage stamps with. I collect new issues, unused, and would be happy to correspond with someone in Japan who would like to trade.
Becky <lizabean2@earthlink.net>
Weatherford, TX USA - Sunday, April 29, 2001 at 16:58:43 (EDT)
I'm looking for an authenic Geisha Wig. Please email me. Thank you.
Angela <Vampgirl78759950@aol.com>
USA - Sunday, December 03, 2000 at 20:20:57 (EST)
FOR SALE! I am selling my Pokemon cards. I have over 200 of them! And some are REALLY rare and worth money. If you want to buy all of them or buy singles please e-mail me at cadams.ont@sympatico.ca
Ryan Adams <cadams.ont@sympatico.ca>
Newmarket, ont. Canada - Saturday, December 02, 2000 at 10:11:55 (EST)
I would really like to inquire if any school there in Japan would accepts anime artist or anime catoonist coz i want to apply if they accept Pilipino's though
Mylene <sakura_ihara@moonkingdom.com>
Davao, Philippines - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 04:04:21 (EST)
documented samauri from approx. year 1660.
only serious buyers inquires please.
will forward more information upon request.willing to sell for good price
contact me at skfleece@att.net
john albrecht <skfleece@att.net>
youngstown, oh USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2000 at 23:43:02 (EST)
I am looking for a pattern for what I call "shine pants" for lack of a better name. what I am talking about is the pleated, baggy pants worn by men over a kimono, and by shrine keepers on animes such as Tenchi Muyo or Ruroni Kenshin. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Crystal Aldrich <sasami102@yahoo.com>
naugatuck, ct USA - Sunday, November 26, 2000 at 21:52:19 (EST)
FOR SALE - BEST OFFER!Available from CookDav@aol.com
Imperial Japanese and Navy Uniforms and Equipment by Tadao Nakata - Japanese text w/English Summary
Oriental Armour by H. Russell Robinson, F.S.A.
Arms and Armor Annual, Vol. One - Edited by Robert Held
United States War Department Technical Manual - Handbook on Japanese Military Forces, 15 September 1944 Restricted TM-E 30-480
A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor by George Cameron Stone, Copyright 1961
Infantry Weapons of Word War II by Ian V. Hogg
Early Japanese Sword Guards-Sukashi Tsuba by Masayuki Sasano
Book of the Sword - Edited by Randolf B. Caldwell
The Samurai Sword, A Handbook by John M. Yumoto
The Samurai Sword, An American Perspective by Gary Murtha
Nihonto Newsletter by Albert Yamanaka - three vol. set beginning Jan. 1968
Netsuke by F. M. Jones
Oriental Antiques and Collectibles, A Guide by Arthur and Grace Chu
Secret Fighting Arts of the World by John F. Gilbey
Secrets of the Samurai by Oscar Ratti/Adele Westbrook in original box sleeve
The Essence of Okinawan Karate-Do (Shorin-ryu) by Shoshin Nagamine
The Shogum Age Exhibition from The Tokugawa Art Museum, Japan (Catalogue)
A Dictionary of Japanese Artists by Laurance P. Roberts
This is Kendo, The Art of Japanese Fencing by Junzo Sasamori and Gordon Warner
Bushido, Vol. 2, No. 2 October 1980
Dynamic Karate by N. Nakayama
Kyudo (Entirely in Japanese language - a text on The Art of Japanese Archery)
Crafts and Trades of Japan with Doll-and-Flower Arrangements by Billie T. Chandler printed in Japan
Japanese Arts the Tea Ceremony by T. Hayashiya, M. Nakamura, and S. Hayashiya
The Elements of Japanese Design by John W. Dower w/over 2700 crests drawn by Kiyoshi Kawamoto
Korean Karate, Free-Fighting Techniques by Sihak Henry Cho
Japanese Mythology by Juliet Piggott
The Pinnacle of Karate" Okinawan Methods of Shuri-Ryu by Grand Master Robert A. Trias
cookie davenport <cookdav@aol.com>
USA - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 23:15:22 (EST)
I have the following books for sale - best offer
I also have a couple of swords and a carved walking stick available
cookie davenport <cookdav@aol.com>
houston, tx USA - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 22:58:12 (EST)
Have a number of very old and first edition books for sale on my new site.
have a look and let me know
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, N/A UK - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 08:36:58 (EST)
KarateShorinKan: Traditional Okinawan Karate http://www.karateshorinkan.com
"On-Line" MPEG3 video streaming + CD-ROM Kata & Kobudo lessons.
David Rogers <senseidavid@karateshorinkan.com>
USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 00:59:47 (EST)
I have several Gogatsu "Boys Day" armors for sale from my personal collection ($300. to $700.) Some are 60+ years old, others are fairly recent construction. Please email any questions.
Ross McMillan <sacmactexas@aol.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 07:06:55 (EST)
ATTENTION EVERYONE: WANTED!!! I REALLY WANT to find old Japanese pipes and info on Japanese pipes, willing to pay upwards of $100. Prices negotiable around that area or below. Must be authentic- prefer old wood, or stone carved such as jade, also ivory. ALSO WANTED: a rare book on Japanese ghosts called "The 100 Demon's Night Parade" or any really large compilations of books on Japanese ghosts, demons, spirits, ect. ALSO: looking for authentic old Japanese ghost stories.
THIS MAY BE OF HELP TO ALL YOU OTHERS: For all people looking for authentic swords, and for lots of info on Samurai, armour, weapons, ect. go to either www.bugei.com or www.wmhawley.com
Andrew <Soshu-Masamune@juno.com>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 00:29:42 (EST)
We were wondering if anyone out there had any very very old episodes of Sailor Moon. If you or anyone you know has any on tape and would like to sell the please contact us.
Thank you
Amy & Raye
Raye and Amy <Amy_aka_SailorMercury>
St.Paul, MN USA - Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 15:43:12 (EST)
Soon to be in Kyoto, I was hoping somebody out there could provide me with a list of the best Geisha houses in Gion. And perhaps arrange for introduction and invitation.
Jeff Lusian <jlusian@netscape.net>
San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, November 17, 2000 at 18:16:11 (EST)
Have some japanese weapons and books for sale/trade,see them at http://japaneseart11.homestead.com
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, na UK - Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 17:58:02 (EST)
I am interested in purchasing Shin Hanga japanese woodblock prints(bijiin or beautiful woman prints) by Kotondo, goyo, shinsui etc. Please email me at hypnotherapy@ev1.net
Joshua Syna <hypnotherapy@ev1.net>
Houston, Tx USA - Monday, November 13, 2000 at 11:07:06 (EST)
I am interested in purchasing Shin Hanga japanese woodblock prints(bijiin or beautiful woman prints) by Kotondo, goyo, shinsui etc. Please email me at hypnotherapy@ev1.net
Joshua Syna <hypnotherapy@ev1.net>
Houston, Tx USA - Monday, November 13, 2000 at 11:02:18 (EST)
I am interested in purchasing vintage or antique Kendo armor. Thank you
ivica jovanovic <ivicajovanovic@aol.com>
milwaukee, wi USA - Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 15:37:56 (EST)
I'm interested in kitsune (japanese fox) and would like to fine unique things that are fox related from Japan. Would also like to find another fox shaped hanging incense burner that I saw once.
Laura Steinke <ladykitsu@hotmail.com>
Dallas, Tx USA - Friday, November 10, 2000 at 21:38:15 (EST)
I am looking for a pen pal who is a Geisha or Maiko. I am a English speaking woman who is very interested in Japanese culture! I would love to learn about your fascinating occupation, history, and country. Perhaps someone is interested in exchanging letters with me? I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you!
Carrie A Hofmann <the-hofmanns@t-online.de>
Munich, Germany - Friday, November 10, 2000 at 09:39:59 (EST)
Tom <nimbussj4@hotmail.com>
Sherman Oaks, CA USA - Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 23:26:39 (EST)
Have Some Japanese armour and weapons to sell or trade,have a look on my first site...http://Japaneseart11.homestead.com.
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, UK - Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 17:16:40 (EST)
Have Some Japanese armour and weapons to sell or trade,have a look on my first site...http://Japaneseart11.homestead.com.
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, UK - Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 17:16:28 (EST)
Hi I am looking for a Real FUll Size Set of Samurai Battle Armour, or a Kabuto, or Jinsga. I only want something that is in good conidtion. I would like to see pics of these also. THank you so much!
Mike Munk <Munkey2@home.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 13:55:46 (EST)
Calendar of Announcements and Events for the Kansai area of Japan.
Kansai Connect Calendar <webmaster>
Kyoto City, Kyoto Japan - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 10:49:47 (EST)
Looking for Japanese schoolhouse clocks. These are keywind clocks with chimes. Some call this the "regulator" style. I have interest in other old wood clocks too.
Steve McMahon <mcmahons@fvsd.k12.ca.us>
Fountain Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 19:52:31 (EST)
Wanted some good reference works on Tanagashima,any language as long as it is in fair condition.
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, UK - Monday, October 30, 2000 at 17:26:48 (EST)
Hello, I am looking to buy a used Samisen and a Morin Khuur. I am interested in unusual plucked
stringed instruments from Asia and Central Asia.
Pat Conte <stringbenderman@aol.com>
Long Island, NY USA - Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 18:35:45 (EDT)
To all Ty Beanie collectors,if u are searching for some retired Ty collectibles,drop me a mail coz I maybe have what u looking for.Price is discussable.
Lee <myty4u@yahoo.com>
Malaysia - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 21:23:17 (EDT)
Am still looking for Japanese odds and ends including weapons and woodblock prints,will pay top price for anything interesting. Even if you think its rubbish I may not.....
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, UK - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 16:03:17 (EDT)
I am interested in learning about Japanese string instruments- namely the koto; and perhaps even buying one (used is fine). I can't seem to find any sites that are in english. If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be very helpful. Also, I'm trying to find out if the anime series 'Oniisama E...' has a cd of all the beautiful music in it. Actually, *any* form of Oniisama information in english would be extremely helpful. I have the manga, but I can't read it.
Meghan <Lylithena@aol.com>
NJ USA - Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 04:50:52 (EDT)
I have a MASAKICHI.SUZUKI.#4 violin, made in Nagoya, Japan. I am looking for information on how old it is. If you don't know, but know where I can find out, please email me. Thanks!
Carl Seaver <captcarl74@aol.com>
Walled Lake, MI USA - Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 19:22:29 (EDT)
Umbrella? Fan? Desparately searching for accessories for authentic Geisha costume. Does anyone have or know somewhere in U.S. to buy??
Cynthia Tavake <cynetasi@aol.com>
Garden Grove, CA USA - Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 18:01:37 (EDT)
For sale: Circa late 1700s carved wooden Ainu bear. This very rare piece is in excellent condition. Offers are now being accepted. Contact Loafy8@hotmail.com thank you
C.F. Jackson <loafy8@hotmail.com>
southport, nc USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 08:40:00 (EDT)
We have some inventory of Ty Beanie baby.
all retired kinds in 1999.
We are looking for buyer for bsuiness.
Kevin <kingschem@aol.com>
Closter, NJ USA - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 11:30:33 (EDT)
I'm looking for an HAORI or an Happy Coat or similar (short kimono in other words). The colours should be blue, green, white or/and black, in any combinations, preferably without heavy patterns or symbols. If you know a shop, have a haori yourself or just have some valuable information, please contact me!
Marcus Ingemann <seq@swipnet.se>
Malmoe, N/A Sweden - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 09:29:07 (EDT)
WM.S. WILCOX <sonny42@sympatico.ca>
STONEY CREEK, CANADA - Friday, October 06, 2000 at 07:50:49 (EDT)
i am looking 4 any japanese things that i can get my hands on, anything ceremonial, anything authentic( i.e. swords, stars, untranslated anime, or even food wrappers), in particular, i am looking for a ceremonial tea set, with the wisk and all. if you have anything, please e-mail me.
Chris Vincent <anbu_g@teamartail.com>
grandview, mo USA - Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 19:17:33 (EDT)
I have 8 sake cups from the 1930's. They are in mint condition. If your interested please don't hesitate to e-mail.
Bert Payton <bertpayton@hotmail.com>
Paris, TN USA - Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 11:24:07 (EDT)
Ihave two large silk kimonos,the first is grey with small(penny size)flower pattern,with small kite charictorals.Second,is a large black silk,with a few dark red,and dark blue flower charictorals...These are from Japan ,an are very old(age not known)yet they are in mint condition.please e-mail me if you are interested ,Thank You...
mr Lang <langforu@uswest.net>
bellingham, wa USA - Monday, October 02, 2000 at 19:20:20 (EDT)
I Am researching origin of Japanese teapot, porcelain, red with black design possibly a dragon. Would appreciate any information.
P J Kalicki <kalicki1@shawneelink.net>
Vienna, IL USA - Monday, October 02, 2000 at 16:05:31 (EDT)
Interested in purchasing anything Japanese,prints,weapons,in fact damn near anything,even if you think it rubbish send me an e.mail first.
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, N/A UK - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 12:30:03 (EDT)
I Sean have been looking for someone to bye my pokemon card collection of holographics.If you or someone you know who would like to buy them please e-mail me at Mcandrews@oziemail.com.
Sean Mcandrew <mcandrews@ozemail.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 07:04:26 (EDT)
I would like to buy unpainted, new Japanese scrolls and silk-backed paper in multiple sizes. Any information would be very helpful. Thanks, Eli Weisman
Eli Weisman <eli@pittardsullivan.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 17:55:28 (EDT)
I am looking for somoen in Japan who collects Ty beanies and would be interested in having a trading partner from Australia.I am mainly looking for a blue bear called Nippon.Even if you don't collect Ty but other items please contact me.
Mel <sorrytaken@lycos.com>
Sydney Australia, Australia - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 15:54:51 (EDT)
we are looking for buyer of cotton bags, hand made papers, (massi), carry bags in entire world. serious buyers or importers contact us as soos as possible.
kirmani Ma <kirmani2002@yahoo.com>
jaipur, raj india - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 06:04:45 (EDT)
ANTIQUE BUDDHA STATUE FOR SALE. A unique masterpiece of art, creation of 17th century. Only serious and potential buyers to contact. Its worth and value can be assessed by any Archeologist of the world.
jahanzeb <jahanzeb222@hotmail.com>
lahore, Punjab Pakistan - Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 02:07:09 (EDT)
Wanted.Japanese officers sword rank tassels in red&brown,plain brown,red&blue and Re&Brownwith gold zigzag.
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
TRuro, UK - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 20:03:34 (EDT)
i am looking for a suppliers in either Japan or USa to provide me with Transformers stock to sell in singapore.
please email me at equinox_ic@hotmail.com
Edwin <equinox_ic@hotmail.com>
singapore, singapore singapore - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 11:56:29 (EDT)
People desiring to exchange Sewing Ideas at Kaycee's Sewing Forum http://bbs.onecenter.com/sewing
Kaycee <kycee@usa.net>
Kansas City, MO USA - Sunday, September 24, 2000 at 22:48:58 (EDT)
Looking for information and/or someone who knows about setting and cleaning of Meiji period Japanese bracket clock.
Dean Dennis <hddennis@earthlink.net>
Clayton, Ohio USA - Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 15:05:46 (EDT)
I'm looking for scores by Japanese composers for Guitar. Recordings of classical guitarist from Japan are also wanted.
Dan Quinn <dquinn@indiana.edu>
Bloomington, IN USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 13:03:43 (EDT)
Discover the pure essence of exotic Bali at the personalised private villas of Pavilions in Sanur. A bamboo-fringed entrance leads guests into a mystical, hidden world where the spellbinding scents of incense, spices and refreshing fauna permeate a natural and exotic Balinese environment. Each of the one, two and three bedroom villas is richly ornate, with private dining patio, sundeck and private walled gardens, state of the art audio and visual equipment, internet access, satellite TVs, extra large bathrooms with double vanities, showers, sunken baths and personal safes. Privacy is guaranteed, with meals and refreshments served to individual preferences, be it breakfast in bed, cocktails on the sundeck around the pool or al fresco dining on the patio.
Bali Pavillions <pavilions@digitaldevelopment.com>
Sanur, Bali Indonesia - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 03:53:05 (EDT)
Gogatsu Ningyo for sale; from Kyogetsu, Tokyo; includes yumitachi; approximately 2 ft high
George M Kleinman, MD <gmkleinman@home.com>
Easton, CT USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 10:05:17 (EDT)
ANTIQUE BUDDHA STATUE FOR SALE. A unique masterpiece of art, creation of 17th century. Only serious and potential buyers to contact. Its worth and value can be assessed by any Archeologist of the world.
Jahanzeb <jahanzeb222@hotmail.com>
lahore, Punjab pakistan - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 02:03:24 (EDT)
COLLECTORS ONLY: I am looking for Ty Beanie Collectors from Canada, England and Japan that are interested in working other Collectors to help us all get the "Exclusives" from other countries for our collections.
Please e-mail if you are interested.
Jan <jwwright@sprynet.com>
Tallahassee, FL USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 21:36:07 (EDT)
Anon pc owning collector has asked this notice to be poted...Substantial collection of Japanese swords will be sold in the near future.Twenty years of purchase from private individuals,all in military and civilian mounts,approx fifty in number. Price in the region of $100.000. Direct contact...(uk)01225 314353 or contact me,oshigata and photo's available soon.
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Bath, NA Uk - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 17:55:29 (EDT)
From $500 for a Japanese offers sword with rank tassell and silver mon,no major rust and good JPEGs asap(Am now getting withdrawel sysmpton as all collectors doo on occasions)
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, N/A UK - Monday, September 11, 2000 at 19:50:54 (EDT)
I am looking for someone in Japan to buy a Nipponia Ty beanie baby bear for me. I'm sure you have seen it on TV and the news. I will send you 2 beanies available only in the United States in return. They are both bears: Speckles and USA Bear. Please email me if you can help me out. I only need 1 for my personal collection.
Many thanks for your help
Amery Ray <catray@pacbell.net>
Arcadia, CA USA - Monday, September 11, 2000 at 01:59:43 (EDT)
iam looking for a ebony juzu or mala and japanese cold sake bottle.
toby Lueke <sakinkc@aol.com>
kc, mo USA - Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 23:12:45 (EDT)
I am looking for a pattern and/or pieces to construct an authentic Geisha costume for this Halloween. Authenticity is important as my respect for the Japanese culture runs very deep.
Natali <lolli399@yahoo.com>
WI USA - Friday, September 08, 2000 at 15:36:17 (EDT)
I am offering a freeservice,If you have either a Japanese woodblock print or sword,wakizashi or dirk and want to know more about it,the artist/or craftsman,date and translations. Send me JPEGS of the item,some detail of condition and size and I will do the research.
Why and how much?, I enjoy research and like to see new things,because of that there will be no charge.
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, N/A UK - Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 19:41:28 (EDT)
I am researching Japanese sword smiths Nagamura KiyoNobu and Okimitsu of Oki Island. Any info on either would be of great help,examples for sale even better.
Many thanks
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, N/A Uk - Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 19:08:53 (EDT)
I am in the import-export business and am looking for businesses, exporters, manufacturers to assist them sell more of their products, goods, and services. We are also looking for internet companies or startup internet companies who may need to apply for loans. We are affiliated with 100 banks and finance companies. Please email me with your mailing address if interested and I will forward more information out to you by first class air mail.
Rosalind Clark <RRClark@netzero.net>
Syracuse, NY USA - Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 17:11:57 (EDT)
Japanese militaria wanted,books,maps,surrender photo's,flags,badges and medals. Interested in The American end of things inWW2.
Personal history documents fo the lower ranks and Jap officer Sword and Dagger trophies. Will pay top price for items and the best will get a bottle of godd old Scots malt.
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, N?A UK - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 20:41:19 (EDT)
Japanese wood block prints,I am interested in prints from the early period to those produced in the 1960's.
Please send good JPEG's and your valuation/
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, N/A UK - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 18:34:31 (EDT)
Interested in Japanese arms and armour that need restoration. Collectors prices paid but need good JPEGs of all parts.
Talk to me about that rusty sword or tatty armour.
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, N/A UK - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 18:31:48 (EDT)
No comment yet
Greyman <Greyman2@endworld.freeserve.co.uk>
Truro, na Uk - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 18:28:59 (EDT)
We have a classic african doll that we would like to supply you. We also have a handmade wooden bird. We will be glad to give you more information.
Please view the dolls at: www.angelfire.com/ne2/shungu
Best regards from Zimbabwe Africa.
Osla <shungucart@yahoo.com>
Omaha, NE USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 07:38:20 (EDT)
BIDSAT, CT USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 00:21:35 (EDT)
WANTED: a Kabuki Onnagata/Geisha wig. Needs to be in good condition. I cannot find one anywhere.
Josh Crow <gedhun@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Wednesday, August 23, 2000 at 17:16:01 (EDT)
VALLEY SPRINGS, CA USA - Tuesday, August 22, 2000 at 13:02:25 (EDT)
I have 6 Speckles (and all other US exclusives, if you are interested). I would like to trade for a Germania Buddy or a Britannia Buddy or a pretrade on 2 Chinook beanies. I have feedback on ebay and CN. Please email me at: Cookies5@Angelfire.com Thank you, Diane
Diane <Cookies5@Angelfire.com>
Camp Hill, PA USA - Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 10:57:38 (EDT)
I am an international student at St. Cloud State university looking for a responsible and mature roommate to share a 2 bedroom apartment near campus. I am 23. Working and studying.
Not problems with age.
Nuria Iturralde <nuiturr@hotmail.com>
St. Cloud, MN USA - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 18:18:57 (EDT)
We carry more than 100 pieces antique samurai swords & daggers from collection over the past 35 years. They include Tachi, Katana, Wakizashi & Tanto, price ranging from US$850.00 to US$71,000.00 per piece. We also carry Tuba & rifles too. Pls feel free to visit us any time at http://www.well-link.com/Swords/sword_home.html
Wilson Santos <info@well-link.com>
Hong Kong - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 02:37:31 (EDT)
I am looking to add to my set of bamboo-handled flatware. It states: SEKI HAMONO K.K.STAINLESS JAPAN on the blade. I was told it was a gift from C&H Sugar in the 1940's or 50's(promotional. I do know that SEKI HAMONO is the City of Cutlery in Japan. Any help would be greatly appreciated. On trips to Hawaii we have found additional serving pieces, but not originals. Thank you for your time and effort.
Karen <4beasley@ctaz.com>
USA - Sunday, August 13, 2000 at 21:55:16 (EDT)
Early 18th century Katana complete
adrian schafgans <diversac@pacbell.net>
san francisco, ca USA - Monday, August 07, 2000 at 09:41:41 (EDT)
Have one of yhe original photos of the flag raiseing on Iwo Jima and several other photos
James White <jcmwhite@hiwaay.net>
Red Bay, AL. USA - Sunday, July 30, 2000 at 17:03:12 (EDT)
I have a beautiful Japanese wedding kimono from the mid to late 1930's. It is gold , white, and red. It is made of beautiful hand embroiderd silk. A very trused art dealer told me that it is worth $3000-3500. I am in need of selling this to pay for my daughters schooling. If your interested please make a offer. I can send a pic . Please email ASAP
Erin <bbraverm@tampabay.rr.com>
Tampa, FL USA - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 14:23:09 (EDT)
For Sale: World War II Japanese cavalry saddle complete with pommel bags, woven cinch, stirrups,halter,bridle and bit.Appears to be unissued. Excellent shape. $1000.00 plus shipping.
Duane <saddleup2@worldnet.att.net>
Rochester, WA USA - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 00:28:15 (EDT)
Traditional Wedding Kimono-Orange with embroidered cranes,fans,and flowers.I bought it in Japan in 1991.Brand new!Frame this one!!!
Kim Stockdill <mscarmin@aol.com>
Clermont, FL USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 21:22:13 (EDT)
I am looking for some tsume, which are the picks you use to play the koto. I am also looking for information on the Vietnamese Cai lop dan tranh.
Ted Ceplina <hindustanimusicorg@yahoo.com>
Stevens Point, WI USA - Friday, July 21, 2000 at 11:11:22 (EDT)
I'm looking to purchase Japanese prints so that I can frame them and hang them on the wall as framed pictures.
Takodude <takodude@hotmail.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 03:12:57 (EDT)
Hello! I need a Sakura! I'm just a kid, and I don't have a lot of money to spend on one, so would anyone like to trade? I have USA bears and Ariels. Also, many other bears, beanies, and buddies. Please e-mail me with an offer. Thanks a lot!
Holly <clonus86@yahoo.com>
USA - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 17:18:11 (EDT)
I'm supplier of all kinds of products and now looking for Pokemon toys/figurines to be sold in
Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Genuine Suppliers please contact me by email or Fax 65-7430390. Thanks
STEPHEN THAM <bakers.line@pacific.net.sg>
Singapore, Singapore - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 06:55:42 (EDT)
Want to Buy: Japanese antiques - figural scrolls, woodblock printed books, woodblock prints, and more. Must be in good condition and reasonable.
Rupert Clark <antiques@michitrading.com>
Houston, TX USA - Sunday, July 09, 2000 at 00:50:01 (EDT)
AUTHENTIC GEISHA HANDBAG WANTED. Do you live in KYOTO? I am looking for a handbag that is like a kinchaku. It is a large silk drawstring pouch with a rectangular woven bamboo base. Real geisha/geiko and maiko carry these. They are found in select stores in the geisha districts of Kyoto. If you have any information, please contact me. Thank you.
Audrey <maikochik@hotmail.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 00:32:12 (EDT)
KIMONO, YUKATA, ZORI, GETA for sale. AUTHENTIC pieces from the personal collection of a kimono enthusiast. They were purchased in Japan from 1994 - 1996. Please email for details.
Audrey <maikochik>
Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 00:26:29 (EDT)
SHISEIDO SOAP WANTED. Do you live in Japan? I am looking for a box of Beauty Soap by Shiseido - found in the regular soap/shampoo section of the Daiei grocery store. Please email me if you're interested in selling or trading for this item. Thank you.
Audrey <maikochik@hotmail.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 00:20:35 (EDT)
I am looking for a sakura. I have lots of older beanies to trade. I have a sting.
Barbara <blacksambo@earthlink.net>
Milwaukee, wi USA - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 14:13:24 (EDT)
Do anyone of you think a website where sells Japanese school uniform like the one in this website:
Jeff. <jeff1u@yahoo.com>
Singapore , Singapore - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 06:59:53 (EDT)
Hello, I'm looking for waraji or help constructing a pair of waraji. Thank you
SFoster <mhawk@dnaco.net>
USA - Saturday, July 01, 2000 at 12:03:39 (EDT)
I am looking for out-of-print Ifukube, Akira Cds
TYCY-5369,5370 (double cd set)
FOCD-3222 or FOCD 2512
TYCY-5217,5218 (double cd set)
I will even buy used copies of these Cds.
Thank you
Kono Ifukube Akira no cd o sagashiteimasu ga
TYCY-5369,5370 (double cd set)
FOCD-3222 or 2512
TYCY-5217,5218 (double cd set)
tsukatta CD mo ii desu.
arigatou gozaimasu
Jim Figurski <uglijim@mediaone.net>
Dearborn Heights, MI USA - Monday, June 19, 2000 at 00:19:26 (EDT)
boston,mass cable boxes selling general instruments and jerold dp5-dpv5-dpv7-dp7-dpbb7-cft, scientific atlantic 8500-8600 descramblers price $140 1 year warranty will do cod cash or money order I do not advocate theft of cableservice, if you imply theft of service I can not sell to you,these boxes are undetechable on your cable system, and need to imform your cable provider, this is your responability e mail hpower@mailexcite.com pager any time 781-601-9571 I chip boxes for $75
tim lee <hpower@mailexcite.com>
boston, ma USA - Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 14:53:52 (EDT)
i am looking for any info on bamboo katanas, & any info japanese writing i would like 2 names in japanese , {1} paul& {sara} any help at all thinks
p hirst uk <kyujo@hotmail.com>
leeds, england - Sunday, June 11, 2000 at 15:45:15 (EDT)
CREATED IN 1960 IN japan....
OR ADDRESS SITE national kid
Sergio Sarno <caffe@sti.com.br>
São Paulo, SP bRAZIL - Saturday, June 10, 2000 at 03:24:35 (EDT)
Can anyone in Japan find me a ty sakura bear.Am also looking for penpals interested in beanie babies who live in Japan
cathy haines <haines@odessa-wa.com>
odessa, wa USA - Thursday, June 08, 2000 at 13:52:51 (EDT)
Aloha...I am looking to purchase children's silk zori(s)for a silk kimono. Sizes are 19.0cm and 21cm. If you have any sources to purchase some, please email me. Mahalo...
Linda Young <ldyoung@aloha.net>
Lihue, Hi USA - Wednesday, June 07, 2000 at 01:05:53 (EDT)
I'm selling items like rare CDs and starphotos of the famous japanese band "X JAPAN" on my website:
Thomas Koerner <webmaster@x-japan.de>
Wald-Michelbach, HE GERMANY - Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 09:21:01 (EDT)
Place your ads in KansaiConnect and upload a photo of your product, logo, or a photo of yourself.
Some of the categories include: Businesses, Jobs, Personals, Churches, Announcements, Automobiles, Computers & Software, Language Lessons, Language Schools, Rentals & Roommates, Restaurants, Sports, Travel and more!
To access many of the features of KansaiConnect, you need to be a registered user. Registration is required in order to ensure that you, and only you, are able to edit the ads that you have been posted.
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KansaiConnect.com <webmaster@kansaiconnect.com>
Kansai, USA - Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 00:24:20 (EDT)
I´m looking for a katana sword, please, if u are interested in selling one, please contact me.
Jose Tomas Diaz Abbott <jjtdiaz@ctc-mundo.net>
Santiago, Chile - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 00:33:08 (EDT)
2 Japanese swords, circa WW2 excellent condition.Can ship immediately if interested and pricing is acceptable.
John W Durkin <asianpower@pacific.net.ph>
Manila, Philippines - Monday, May 29, 2000 at 22:53:05 (EDT)
JAPANESE ANTIQUES - Dolls, teapots, baskets...
all from temple markets in Osaka and Kyoto
Digital photos available
Vicki Coles <aatedesign@compuserve.com>
Vancouver, WA USA - Saturday, May 27, 2000 at 20:28:07 (EDT)
JAPANESE FABRICS - Kimono, obi and by the bolt...
Silk, cotton, wool...all from temple markets in
Osaka and Kyoto and in excellent condition
Vicki Coles <aatedesign@compuserve.com>
Vancouver, WA USA - Saturday, May 27, 2000 at 20:25:38 (EDT)
WANTED: Those forearm guards/gauntlets a japanese swordsman would wear, sort of like a kote for kendo armor.
Samantha Wolfe <nineofnine@hotmail.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 20:22:26 (EDT)
Does anyone know where to get Japan's "Cutie" fashion magazine in the United States...especially Dallas, TX? I have searched the web to no avail....
Shannon <elf_lass@hotmail.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Monday, May 15, 2000 at 17:59:16 (EDT)
Looking for Kokeshi doll books and Magazine. All the way from Singapore. It is almost impossible to find one here.
Alice <isaacpoh@yahoo.com>
SIngapore, Singapore - Saturday, May 13, 2000 at 12:49:30 (EDT)
Sword for sale
richard <richard7@vsnl.com>
USA - Saturday, May 13, 2000 at 01:01:19 (EDT)
I am looking for HAORI, preferably L or XL in size.Any old hakama, or Kimono also.
Christian J. Estes <christian_estes@hotmail.com>
Maitland, FL USA - Tuesday, May 09, 2000 at 02:41:31 (EDT)
Hello. I am a fan of the Japanese pop group Puffy. I am looking for any of their merchandise. (t-shirts, keychains, magazines, etc.)
Roxanne Reeves <skadiva241@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Saturday, April 29, 2000 at 15:33:22 (EDT)
MARK MCVEY <RobNSum@cs.com>
GRESHAM, OR USA - Monday, April 24, 2000 at 17:03:13 (EDT)
WANTED: Books by Aya Nakayama. I have Marble Book #4 by her. Kumihimo. Thank you
Paul <intent@teleport.com>
Glide, or USA - Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 16:45:48 (EDT)
I want to buy about patchwork goods which made in Japan. (Ex. Fabrics, Tools, Kits, Pattens...)
Wang fu ping <peggy@ecic.com.tw>
Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 01:25:31 (EDT)
I am looking for some Japanese Ty beanie babies named Sakura. I have lots of beanies to trade. Please email me. Thanks
Barbara Stadler <blacksambo@earthlink.net>
Milwaukee, wi USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 19:37:11 (EDT)
travis <krazie518@aol.com>
CA USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 10:54:01 (EDT)
I"m looking to trade for the Sakura beanie baby by Ty. I have other Ty products to trade with. Please send me a reasonable offer. I have on live References.
Thank you in advance and Bless you,
Terry <miketerryfromwa@webtv.net>
Vanouver, Wa USA - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 13:17:48 (EDT)
I am looking to either buy or trade for a Ty Sakura Beanie Baby. Please email me if you were lucky enough to get an extra one. I have many beanies to trade.
Marj Beach <beach@powersurfr.com>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Monday, April 03, 2000 at 22:19:32 (EDT)
ASHOK OSWAL <akoswal@hotmail.com>
LUDHIANA, PB INDIA - Monday, April 03, 2000 at 02:56:39 (EDT)
I would like to buy a Biwa or Shamisen. If you are selling or can point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated! Thank you.
Adam Vaananen <havaananen@mailcity.com>
Calgary, AB CANADA - Friday, March 31, 2000 at 16:09:34 (EST)
I am looking to purchase an older ichimatsu doll,not too old - 50s or 60s-pretty face and pink kimono. Feel free to email me for photos of what I'm looking for. -any help would be appreciated. thanks! :-)
Anne Young <fondue2go@aol.com>
Morgantown, WV USA - Wednesday, March 29, 2000 at 22:31:53 (EST)
Greetings from the land of clogs and windmills!
I am looking for the new Japanese exclusive TY Beanie Baby SAKURA for my collection. I have several other 'Country exclusives' to trade - Britannia, Maple,Germania and Osito Beanies and Britannia and Maple Buddies. Also JACK the UK exclusive Attic Bear and the retired Bear SPRUCE. I also have New Face Brown Teddy and Bessie the Cow. I have lots of on-line references. Look forward to hearing from you! Happy Beanie Hunting!!
Hilary <munday@cuci.nl>
PUTH, Netherlands - Monday, March 27, 2000 at 20:30:07 (EST)
Need #3 in the series of woodblock prints called "The Fifteen views of Koyoto" by Tomikichiro Kokuriki.
Norma Belmonte <chipper@wi.tds.net>
Necedah, WI USA - Saturday, March 25, 2000 at 12:49:12 (EST)
I am looking for some samuari designs of any kind (not pictures of swords). Your help would be greatly thanked.
Michael Ward <Mward627@mail.netmdc.com>
Alamagordo, NM USA - Saturday, March 25, 2000 at 02:45:56 (EST)
"Sakura" Beanie. Japan Exclusive.
Will trade for the following:
(The End)
(Blue Face Spangle)
(White Face Spangle)
(Holiday 99) Bears. Willing to buy!
kind regards
Peter Fletcher <petetrigfletcher@peterian.freeserve.co.uk>
Britain, UK United Kingdom - Friday, March 24, 2000 at 10:08:01 (EST)
I would like to find out where you can buy a chinese Buddha statue, like the ones you see at chinese restaurants, preferably the same size. Please help!
Brian King <Beauxking1@yahoo.com>
Cypress, TX USA - Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 21:14:11 (EST)
housing meals and tuition. For a student from
lower income Japanese family, must have a fair
understanding of English. 18 to 24 years old. including air fare more information e-mail above.
Art Webster <school4u@webtv.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, March 20, 2000 at 23:12:37 (EST)
FREE SCHOOLING IN LAS VEGAS NEVADA, Including housing meals and tuition. For a student from lower income Japanese family, must have a fair understanding of English. 18 to 24 years old.
Art Webster <school4u@webtv.net>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, March 20, 2000 at 23:09:11 (EST)
I am looking for Japanese bamboo flutes (shakuhachi, shinobue, etc.), woodblock prints of flute players and other musicians, and sheet music for the shakuhachi.
Bruce Jones <bjones@ucsd.edu>
San Diego, CA USA - Thursday, March 09, 2000 at 11:30:58 (EST)
I am looking for a Japanese or Okinawan samisen for my daughter who wants to start taking lessions as she is very interested in her cultural heritage.
Gail Maesato <samaes@hgea.org>
Hilo, HI USA - Wednesday, March 08, 2000 at 02:03:27 (EST)
When I was overseas (Okinawa, Japan) approximately 20 years ago, I was unofficially adopted by a Japanese man. As my adopted father he gave me an old Japanese procreation (sex) book. I was told that in the ancient Japanese culture it was the tradition for the father to pass down the book to his son and his son would pass it down to his son. The book size is 2 3/4 X 4 inches. The book contains six (6) colored hand painted illustrations and on the backside of the drawings there is a short story. I am looking for the history surrounding this book and I am willing to sell it.
Ronald L. Wood <ronwood@thegrid.net>
susanville, ca USA - Friday, March 03, 2000 at 18:35:54 (EST)
American family of five (8, 3, 18 mo.) in East Cobb, Marietta GEORGIA seeks loving Japaneese NANNY/COOK to help Mom and Dad care for family and children. Mom and Dad work from home. Cooking: traditional Japaneese. Part time, 20-30 hours a week. No housework. Great Pay :Salary, with paid vacation. Some travel . Live in possible, but not required. Classical piano lessons in exchange cooking/language lessons.
jocelyn Morrow <atljocelyn@aol.com>
marietta, ga USA - Wednesday, March 01, 2000 at 09:36:44 (EST)
I have a 5 1/2" Ivory carved statue of the Virgin Mary that my father purchased in Japan in 1951. I am looking for someone to appraise this statue.
Sally Jones <quest1018@igalaxy.net>
Bakersfield, CA USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 15:52:27 (EST)
I am also looking for kanzashi or other traditional japanese hair ornaments at reasonable prices. I am getting married next year and I am trying to incorporate my different heritages into the ceremony. I am especially interested in the type with the metal dangles.
Jennifer Bratton <jdjamez@mailcity.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 10:47:16 (EST)
Kyosai/Gyosai Kawanabe's works desperately wanted.
Especially Paintings sought. If you have anything or know someone who owns any, PLEASE contact me!!
Juzo Kirose <h13@uk2.so-net.com>
London, GL UK - Monday, February 21, 2000 at 20:56:07 (EST)
*SHIBORI* Looking for traditional, hand-stitched shibori, even small samples. I create shibori (not arashi or itabori) and need to find examples to study. Also, my work is for sale, all hand created with only natural dyes. Highest quality, traditional and original patterns in silk, cotton, wool, rayon and hemp/silk fabrics.
Carol Gustavson <cgshibori@aol.com>
St. Charles, IL USA - Friday, February 18, 2000 at 22:25:37 (EST)
i have a linen kimono, adult size.with simple blue embroidered dragon on back,about a foot long. also a dragon on each side of the front about 6in. wide that goes into the pockets. this kimono is from the 40's and in excellent condition. its very simple and lovely. the sash is 2inches wide.
fran <mbullock@wctel.net>
mccormick, sc USA - Thursday, February 10, 2000 at 03:36:30 (EST)
I have 2 lots(side by side) for sale in the most beautiful small iland in West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (there are no other lots in that popular section of the island available for sale.The neigbourhood has its own private tennis club). Price: U$200.000 for fast sale.Drive to downtown Vancouver 30 minutes.Houses are built on both sides of the property,there is a creek in the back.3 mintes walk to the beach Phone:(618)632-9965.
Nancy.B <nahzybuck@usa.net>
O'Fallon, IL USA - Thursday, February 03, 2000 at 16:45:17 (EST)
Don <tatli@mbox3.singnet.com.sg>
SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE - Tuesday, February 01, 2000 at 02:03:27 (EST)
Hi, i'm from Singapore, i'm selling a rare 1970s citizen chronograph model 8110a in near mint condition, interested pls email me. $US650
Don <tati@mbox3.singnet.com.sg>
SINGAPORE, singapore SINGAPORE - Tuesday, February 01, 2000 at 01:54:45 (EST)
HONOLULU, HI USA - Friday, January 28, 2000 at 21:53:45 (EST)
Looking for music box with pop tune "ichiban"
Edwin <e_iskandar@hotmail.com>
edison, NJ USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 15:30:59 (EST)
Any Good Ichimatsu Doll for sale??? or Exchange?
In addition, I have one beautiful ivory Unbrella handle with shell and mother of pearl inlaid if
anyone interested in it. Thanks!
Yu-ping <Christinechiang@worldnet.att.net>
Anaheim Hills, CA USA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 04:10:40 (EST)
I am looking for Japanese Nesting Dolls. Kokeshi or Daruma. I am also looking for just solid Kokeshi. Need good wholesale prices. Look forward to hearing from you.
Lori Pratt <nestingdolls4u@mindspring.com>
Tracy, CA USA - Friday, January 14, 2000 at 02:02:01 (EST)
We have recently inherited our grandparents Japanese collection. Most items purchased in mid-late 50's. Collection includes many dolls (warrior, bride-groom, etc.), Noritake China, toys, wall scrolls, sewing chest, large silk screen, abalone-inlay chest and much more. We need info on items and we are interested in possibly selling some of the items if sincere interest is expressed.
Elizabeth Ward <mark-eliz@att.net>
Norris, TN USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 12:54:20 (EST)
I have authentic reproductions of HIROSHIGE PRINTS from the serie Tokkaido 53 Tsugi, 1957 edition by Chuo Koron shuppan (editor), one of the 600 copies that were made. I am selling the whole serie in their original box(total 55 pictures). Please contact me if you are interested in this special edition.
Takako Kodani <kobraven@hotmail.com>
Caracas, Mi Venezuela - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 19:06:44 (EST)
I'm looking for a mail order source for kanzashi (japanese hair pins). Please let me know of any sites you've discovered.
Rosalind Armson <r.armson@open.ac.uk>
Milton Keynes, UK - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 19:37:39 (EST)
Please help! I need to replace a tea ceremony set purchased in Japan in 1985. It was very expensive and came in a case with a glass front. I cannot find anything like it. How do I value the piece for insurance purposes? My set was broken by movers. Thank you.
Molli <mwprncra@uswest.net>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 16:04:54 (EST)
I am interested in buying 100% cotton fabric in Japanese prints suitable for patchwork. Does anyone know any websites?
Chris <sed@netserv.net.au>
Margaret River, WA Australia - Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 08:47:41 (EST)
Looking for vintage kimonos that I can buy locally in Singapore. Can someone enlighten me?
boxster <boxster@post1.com>
Singapore - Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 01:10:32 (EST)
Could someone please help me with the name of a Japanese manufacturer or Japanese supplier of Rin Gongs. These are small spun brass bowls with can fit into the palm of one's hand. When struck they have a lovely lingering ringing sound, like very small 'singing' bowls. They are usually supplied on a small fabric cushion with a striker.
Sometimes they are called Zen Bowl Gongs, Zen Iron Gongs - but usually they are known as Rin Gongs.
Lindibells <lindibel@iafrica.com>
Cape Town, South Africa - Monday, December 27, 1999 at 12:40:24 (EST)
Dealer is looking for antique Japanese figural scrolls, tobakobon, pipes, candlesticks, pocketwatches and clocks. Must be in good condition and reasonable. Thanks.
d.morland <antiques@michitrading.com>
Houston, TX USA - Saturday, December 18, 1999 at 18:58:58 (EST)
Have 48" Japanese Blown Glass Fish Net Ball obtained Midway Island, 1969. Excellant condition. Will sell to interested party. Serious potential buyers, serious offers only.
William Ross <williamcross@home.com>
Marion, IA USA - Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 12:31:47 (EST)
Private owner would like to sell Edo period carving. Ivory. 6"-8" tall. 3"-4" wide. Appears to be a Samurai with servant, preparing for battle.
Jon Paul Busack <paulb@ctagroup.com>
Eagle, ID USA - Monday, December 13, 1999 at 19:06:54 (EST)
E-Budo.com now has a collectors forum dedicated to the discussion of all kinds of Japanese collectibles. There is also a "For Sale or Trade" forum for you to post your requests or to sell your items (no commercial sales please). We even have an Ebay forum if you want advice on certian Ebay items. If you have a commercial product you want reviewed for our members, please email me for the details.
John Lindsey <jlindsey@neosoft.com>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, December 13, 1999 at 00:32:45 (EST)
We are looking for a publisher that we can buy books that are printed in Japanese from over the internet. Thank you.
Perce Harvey <harveyp@visi.net>
Newport news, VA USA - Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 09:21:32 (EST)
I am looking for a sewing Tansu. Also for a Pen-pal in Japan- must speak and write understandable English. I am an artist, craftsperson, designer.
Jacque Johnson <jacque13@erols.com>
Dover, De. USA - Sunday, December 05, 1999 at 19:18:15 (EST)
Looking for information on and/or someone who knows about cleaning and setting of Meiji period Japanese bracket clock. Thanks, Dean Dennis
Dean Dennis <ddennis@ns.computer.net>
Brewster, NY USA - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 14:16:47 (EST)
I am interested in acquiring kokeshi dolls, either singularly or collections. If you have older dolls you are interested in selling, please contact me.
Deborah <squeemers@aol.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 02:28:13 (EST)
Hi, Just wondering if any one collects chopstick rests or know places where one can buy them. Thanks David
David Hoffman <senorh@dwave.net>
WI USA - Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 19:16:48 (EST)
I'm interested in buying tapes from an old Japanese TV series from the 60s (in B&W) called "National Kid" shown on Asahi TV. Any info is appreciated.
Keith Lee <klee64@hotmail.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 21:57:21 (EST)
I may be buying an antique shamisen in a few days, but before I buy it I need to know if anyone can restring it, replace a peg, and repair the torn skin. If you know anyone who can, or if you can, please contact me. Additional- Location does not matter. I can ship it where ever it needs to go. I need a response before 11-29-99. Thanx.
Shibumi Okui <gedhun@yahoo.com>
B'ham, AL USA - Thursday, November 25, 1999 at 23:55:09 (EST)
I have a friend who's interested in selling a
Japanese woodblock print, "Famous Lord Yoritokos: Desperate fighting at snowfall" by Nobukazu that was published in 1885.
Jim Wong <wongjw@hotmail.com>
New York, NY USA - Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 05:18:15 (EST)
I have an original Samarai sword, crafted in the early Sixteenth Century. Sword-maker's name is
"Masanaga"- Blade in very good polished condition (VERY sharp!)and inscription on handle easily visible and has been translated- I am interested in the value of this fine collectible. Contact by e-mail only.
Dr. John C. Karatzas <drjck@pacbell.net>
CA USA - Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 21:40:19 (EST)
looking for a copy of James M. Mitose's book "What is Self Defense." He was the 22nd Grandmaster of KOSHO SHOREI KEMPO.
shawn bailey <sprint.courier@sympatico.ca>
Cobourg, ON CANADA - Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 14:52:07 (EST)
Looking for sources of unique chopsticks to add to an on-line gallery, or 'chopsticks portal' on the web. Sponsors are welcome to add their wares to the site in exchange for samples. Please inquire.
Erik Wegweiser, Curator, Chopsticks Gallery <asahi-jc@ichizen.com>
Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 14:20:11 (EST)
We are the chopsticks & kitchen utensils makers. Through many years of experience, we have made various kinds of products such as chopsticks, bowl, spoon, fork, sauce cup, ladle, flipper etc with different styles. All are made from “hard woodE black or red. We intentionally maintain its nature by no lacquering or artificial coloring, where as to ensure safety from chemical substances.
We are looking for persons or company to represent our products.
For further informations, please contact us by e-mail to cs747@cscoms.com .
Chaiwat S. <cs747@cscoms.com>
Bangkok, Thailand - Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 22:05:07 (EST)
I would like information regarding a Japanese antique silverware artist with a hallmark "Zeesung"- all comments would be appreciated on Japanese antique silverware
denise <denisedi@tin.it>
Udine, Italy - Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 17:09:16 (EST)
I would greatly appreciate any information about two Japanese woodblock prints I have...both are signed "Llewellyn Prescott"...one is titled "The Temple Road" and the second is "Purse Seiner." I have tried in vain to research the artist...thank you for any help,information about this artist and his work.
Gina Zukoski <gzukoski@cs.com>
Edmonds, WA USA - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 22:19:06 (EST)
I am interested in replica armor and/or weapons from the Keikou period (very early Yamato), as well as most anything to do with Hachiman, the Kami of War, who was in life the Emperor Oujin Tenno. Also, I am interested in the light blue hakama and white kimonos worn by Kannushi, or Shinto priests. If anyone has information on where I can acquire these things either used or new, please email me.
Lisa Tomecek <lisa_tomecek@mail.utexas.edu>
USA - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 13:17:51 (EST)
J.T.C. COLLECTIBLES we sell-POKEMON-BASKETBALL-BASEBALL-FOOTBALL-SOCCER-HOCKEY-AUTOGRAPHS-WWF CARDS-CARD CASES-BEANIE BABIES-BOTTLE CAPS-BUSINESS HOURS ARE MON-FRI 4:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. SAT-SUN 11:00 A.M.-10:00 P.M. CALL 740-264-6941 if no answer leave a message or email jas_cooldude10@email.com SO CALL TODAY!!!we also buy and trade all items above!!!!!!!!!
Jason McKeegan <jas_cooldude10@email.com>
Wintersville, Ohio USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 23:05:40 (EST)
I am looking for any of the following Asian instruments: shamisen, koto, guqin, yangqin, pipa, erhu, dramnyen, hochin, and sitar. Also looking for a good dealer of Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Tibetan, and other various Asian antiques at good prices. I ALSO NEED A TANSU OR CHINESE OR KOREAN CHEST FOR AROUND $150-250.
Shibumi Okui <gedhun@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 23:54:28 (EDT)
I'm looking for absolutely anything Japanese, especially art work.
tess <tess.rich@zoom.co.uk>
uk - Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 07:10:34 (EDT)
for sale:2 decks playing cards:1 nude women,circa early '60's,1 porn mid-60's.both in great shape.ladies have 2 jokers,porn has 4 jokers.make offer
bruce raymond <nude1dude@gateway.net>
barefoot bay, fl. USA - Friday, October 22, 1999 at 19:15:52 (EDT)
Wanted, old Japanese tools. Especially interested in planes (kana) and saws (nokogiri).
Fred Peake <frederick.peake@tinker.af.mil>
Moore, OK USA - Friday, October 22, 1999 at 15:59:20 (EDT)
Forty pre-WW2 78 rpm Japanese made records and 5 78 rpm albums for sale. Good to fair condition. Make offer.
ron rasmussen <rerasmus@earthlink.net>
morro bay, ca USA - Friday, October 15, 1999 at 16:46:57 (EDT)
I am looking to buy a few straw hats. they need to be round and pointed. please email me if you know where i can get some. Thanks:)
Dent Dixon <Dent42@gte.net>
Harrisonburg, VA USA - Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 17:53:24 (EDT)
I'm looking for anybody who might have 80's
broadcasts of Yoru no Hit Studio,Lotte Music Station. Or Episodes from the following anime shows:Sakegake Otokojuku or Hikaru no Densetsu.
Will buy or Trade.
michael wishlow <abunaideka@mailcity.com>
Vancouver,BC, Canada - Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 09:42:00 (EDT)
I am looking for painting stencils with Japanese writing /symbols on them to paint on a wall. I could only find two very small stencils and the wall is tall and thin and I would like the artwork to flow up and down like their writing.If anyone knows where I can find stencils or someone who does very pretty Japanese writing with a paintbrush, I'd be willing to pay to have it done Thanks!
CANDACE <MikeDC@ix.netcom.com>
Antioch, Ca USA - Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 20:30:15 (EDT)
Japanese Idol stuff ^_^; 1976~1991
Vhs,beta,8mm(video)Especially from TV^_^
Will trade or buy.
Robopup <Robopup@webtv.net>
Ca USA - Sunday, October 10, 1999 at 10:58:20 (EDT)
I am looking for someone in Japan
to exchange videotape.
Tv programs.
If interested,plz email me at
Robopup <Robopup@webtv.net>
Ca USA - Sunday, October 10, 1999 at 10:51:10 (EDT)
I want to buy some woodblock prints (reprints), or even litho/offset does anyone know of any dealers?. Most seem to only have originals.
Bill Sotiras <bsotiras@newave.com.au>
Adelaide, Australia - Tuesday, October 05, 1999 at 01:57:48 (EDT)
Looking for a reliable source in the US for 100% cotton Tabi socks. Also interested in Sumo related items.
Robin Chandler <robin_chandler@hotmail.com>
USA - Monday, October 04, 1999 at 10:28:53 (EDT)
i'm looking for a .gif (or .jpeg etc) of
tep <tampopo@tep.nu>
boston, MA USA - Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 15:10:07 (EDT)
For Sale: Plymouth 1967 GTX - #'s matching car, 440 engine, 4/spd, 375hp, Black/Black. I'm third owner, super cond. inside and out, independant documentation, have pictures and documentation for serious buyer's. This is the real deal, mint shape true American muscle. Not for the faint of heart. Have the baddest car in Tokyo. asking $30,000 contact Jim : sailman447@aol.com
Jim <sailman447@aol.com>
Madison, NJ USA - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 13:55:46 (EDT)
I am looking for a samisen and a small beginners koto, and instructional books/videos on how to play these instuments (in English). Any info, webpage, email address to direct me to these is much appreciated.
Nuku Nuku chan <joeltomcrow@hotmail.com>
Kelowna, BC Canada - Sunday, September 19, 1999 at 16:21:20 (EDT)
For sell 1972 YAMAHA FG-1500 Brazillian Rosewood.
Pairoj <unfrist@rocketmail.com>
Bangkok, Thailand - Wednesday, September 08, 1999 at 13:14:29 (EDT)
We represent a 22-year-old $300 million dollar multinational corporation with a major presence in asia that is seeking additional representation in that region.Find out how you can use your contacts to create an income that can easily exceed $10,000 per month by putting our firm in touch with qualified applicants.Seeking individuals fluent in both English and Japanese, Malay, or Chinese. Those with computer skills preferrred.
For an interview call Mr. Santi (305) 567-1842
The Gulfstream Group
Regional Support Center
782 NW LeJeune Road
Suite 205
Santiago llano <intro97@aol.com>
Miami, fl USA - Wednesday, September 08, 1999 at 07:56:24 (EDT)
Type 98: mod 1--torpedo gyroscope unit. Seeking
any assistance on identification and (perhaps)
value. Serious enquiries only. Thanks.
Ace <icedkoi@hotmail.com>
USA - Monday, September 06, 1999 at 19:27:11 (EDT)
I have an old katana and wakizashi from the Tokugawa Period which I want to sell, around $1000, prices are negotiable. Also looking to buy steel katana or wakizashi, not made of composite aluminum or other dull materials.
Peter <scugog@hotmail.com>
Canada - Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 19:10:54 (EDT)
I make nice origami greeting cards and have sold some locally. I'd like to find a way to sell them.
If you're interested, email me.
Ritsuko <ritsukok@yahoo.com>
Chico, CA USA - Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 02:55:44 (EDT)
I am looking for traditional costume worn by a samurai-kami shimo,must be authenic orignal
john <mktdynamo@aol.com>
marco island, fl USA - Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 20:20:06 (EDT)
Hi im looking for the import version of tenchu. Also looking for traditional tabi,indoor or outdoor. And dark blue hakama, will pay good prices.
senjuro <dragon568@hotmail.com>
USA - Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 10:44:26 (EDT)
I am looking for a distributor in Japan that can
supply my shop with Japanese animation type toys,
dolls, cels and mini CD singles. Arigatou!
Jason <metaphor@home.com>
CA USA - Saturday, August 14, 1999 at 22:27:35 (EDT)
I have a set of hand carved bone swords, Katana and companion. Very rare cerimonial set. If interested email me at jcooper@cssiusa.com
Joker <jcooper@cssiusa.com>
USA - Saturday, August 14, 1999 at 21:41:00 (EDT)
I NEED HELP! Does anyone know how to clean a Japanese Red Dot Flag? It is silk with signitures, a fighter bomber, and is quite dirty. Can this be cleaned without fading the inks? Thank you!
Steve Ericsson <SKEricsson@aol.com>
Tumwater, WA USA - Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 00:57:26 (EDT)
I am looking for any type of Japanese art or pictures containing dragons.
Pete Griffin <pgriffin@bucknell.edu>
New York, NY USA - Monday, August 09, 1999 at 13:19:26 (EDT)
I have heard that there is a Nintendo Gameboy cartridge that is made for Japanese school children to practice their Kanji reading. Does this exist? What is it's name?
George Trudeau <georget@joymail.com>
Sandwich, USA - Sunday, August 01, 1999 at 20:31:57 (EDT)
I am looking for high, at least 10cm/4in geta. Prefer larger than standard 24cm adult geta.
George Trudeau <georget@joymail.com>
Sandwich, MA USA - Sunday, August 01, 1999 at 20:28:54 (EDT)
In need of information and value of the following items: Five (5) Uchida (1950) Block Prints, The Four Seasons (all Temples) and one (1) Night Scene also a Temple. Also one hand carved Tobacco pouch and stem pipe brought back by former WW11 prisoner in 1945. Carving could be Buddha??? Two (2) lacquer 18" lamps with mother of pwarl inlay marked "Occupied Japan". Thanks to anyone with information! !
Jim <scotch1937@yahoo.com>
Big Spring, TX USA - Sunday, August 01, 1999 at 14:55:07 (EDT)
For Sale:
WWII Japanese Red Dot Flag with signatures of Japanese movie stars.
Sunny <byteme@zoomnet.net>
Piketon, Oh USA - Thursday, July 29, 1999 at 19:50:24 (EDT)
Buyers of Japanese antique woodblock prints, woodblock print books, scrolls, comical prints, maps or items with maps. Must be reasonable and in good condition. Thanks.
Pedro Guzzo <antiques@michitrading.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 00:23:59 (EDT)
iam hunting for japanes antique japanes puzzle boxes for an anniversary gift for my husband. please help
becky <varmitb@aol.com>
Concord, MA USA - Monday, July 26, 1999 at 11:04:41 (EDT)
I'm looking for japanese traditional beds.I'm also looking for traditional japanese panal sliding door.
Jeremiah <NinjaJ46@aol.com>
Quarryville, PA USA - Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 13:56:58 (EDT)
Are you seeking for the reliable supplier, good quality products, punctual delivery and unthinkable low prices? Get more details from http://handbags.8m.com or http://handbags.163.net
Fu Yat Leather Goods Co. <webmaster@handbags.8m.com>
Hong Kong, China - Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 01:31:55 (EDT)
Looking to buy authentic katana, made of steel, not composite aluminum or that kind of thing. If you you have one please also send a picture of it.
D C <fudai_daimyo@hotmail.com>
Canada - Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 14:35:22 (EDT)
I am getting married in a japanese wedding kimono. I have most of the pieces, but I need to know what I'm missing & how to put it all together. Please help if you know anything about the traditional wedding kimono. Thank-you!
evelyn <ejjkuhne@aol.com>
akron, oh USA - Monday, July 12, 1999 at 23:32:33 (EDT)
Need information on how to locate my family seal "Kamon".
J.Okuda <Aduko@netscape.net>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Saturday, July 03, 1999 at 02:57:05 (EDT)
looking to purchase metal chopsticks... please email.
jake <y0urbi0tch@hotmail.com>
dallas, TX USA - Tuesday, June 22, 1999 at 19:43:24 (EDT)
I need instructions on how to MAKE a kimono.
Marius Froeisland <frisland@online.no>
Oslo, Norway - Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 09:52:24 (EDT)
I'm need japaness paper walls, or instructions how to build them. The problem as I see it is how to get the right rice paper. I live in Norway, Europe.
Marius Froeisland <frisland@online.no>
Olslo, NORWAY - Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 09:46:42 (EDT)
Wanted: One set Kokeshi nesting dolls, complete in good condition. Any information or leads appreciated.
Mary Leitch <kimbell@bcn.net>
USA - Friday, June 04, 1999 at 13:16:23 (EDT)
Looking for pieces of Royal Albert Bone China,
Old Country Roses pattern:
2 Teacups
1 Sandwich tray
1 Covered Sugar
Jeanne Pattalino <patt1123@aol.com>
Springfield, PA USA - Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 19:45:28 (EDT)
Do you collect Maneki-Nekos?Please visit our site join our webring & check out the COLLECTO-CATS Newsletter Feature article on Maneki-Nekos
Pat Tyber <tyberk@teleport.com>
USA - Wednesday, May 12, 1999 at 14:21:14 (EDT)
We have many old Japanese ticket train and bus collection.
If you interest contact me.
William Ming <william_ming@hotmail.com>
Tokyo, Japan - Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 05:45:24 (EDT)
We want to sale our classic violin collection:
1.SUZUKI MASAKICHI classic violin End of Edo periode
2.NICOLAUS AMATUS Violin about 1700
3.Solo Brand Jacobus Stainner
Classic violin,about l800.
Only body+case..no violin stick.
All in good condition.
Sale prices US $ 100,000.-
Do not miss.
William Ming <william_ming@hotmail.com>
Tokyo, Japan - Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 05:38:51 (EDT)
Looking for source of kites flown on Boys Day and patterns for children's kimonos (I knew them as hapi coats).
J. Stoneman <lopinlady@aol.com>
Richmond, VA USA - Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 23:31:14 (EDT)
Can you tell me anything about a doll that sits on a platform and is marked "Love Letters" made by SUMIRE?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
mayda diamond <mayda1116@aol.com>
munroe falls, oh USA - Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 21:00:09 (EDT)
Sell,Trade and Purchase Collectables through web sites linked to -- http://cfplaza.com --
Check out this exciting web site. Thank You -
Elbert Smith <http://cfplaza.com>
La Palma, Ca. USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 20:47:54 (EDT)
Sell,Trade and Purchase Collectables through web sites linked to -- http://cfplaza.com --
Check out this exciting web site. Thank You -
Elbert Smith <cfplaza@aol.com>
La Palma, Ca. USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 20:46:50 (EDT)
I have several items from WWII that were collected during an island invasion. I would like to find there value, and where to advertise them. They are; two Japanese Red Dot Flags ( one clean, one with Japanese signatures); two Japanese personal albums (one appears to be family, the other military comrades); one Abacus in box; and on hand held scale with weight with a hand carved box, the handle could be ivory, definitely not a military item, the graduations indicate most likely an opium scale. If possible I would like to find the family related to the people in the albums. All items in mint condition.
Thank you
Thomas A. Zanetti <tazhd@yahoo.com>
Sparks, NV USA - Monday, April 12, 1999 at 09:39:23 (EDT)
I have a 1940's Japanese Umbrella and Pants/Jacket hand embroidered silk floral design. Assume pants are black silk. Umbrella is hand painted and assume silk also. I am looking for anyone who could tell me the approximate worth of these items. I am interested in selling them. Thank you.
Janice Hill <allstar@cybertrails>
Prescott Valley, AZ USA - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 14:51:19 (EDT)
Selling original sheet music (copyright 1936) from Akira Ifukube's Bon Odori Piano Solo. (I believe this piece was later orchestrated to become Ifukube's famous "Japanese Suite") Not only is this rare sheet music from one of Mr. Ifukube's earliest works, but it is inscribed by Ifukube to American conductor Fabien Sevitzky "in souvenir of first Bon Odori's Sapporo performance". Dated "24th X 1936 Sapporo" and signed by the young Ifukube. I have scans of the music and inscription. Please email for more information.
Michael Cohen <mikelcohen@aol.com>
USA - Friday, March 26, 1999 at 14:17:07 (EST)
I am looking for books with color ilustrations or color photographs of samurai armour. Preferably the books would be in English. Please send description and price to my e-mail address. Thank you.
John Ciccone <J.Ciccone@erols.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Friday, March 19, 1999 at 11:53:03 (EST)
American T-Shirts -- See at ---------------http://cfplaza.com --- Go See -- Thank you.
Elbert Smith <cfplaza@aol.com>
La palma, Ca. USA - Wednesday, March 17, 1999 at 15:59:58 (EST)
I would like to sell my 1998 Harley Davidson Road King Classic,all black,440 miles,perfect,no disappointments,$24000 US
Greg C. <grc@elliottcal.com>
coshocton, oh USA - Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 01:10:36 (EST)
I am looking for street photo's of Yokohama in 1905. I would also love to find photo's of any Japanese abcrobats from 1900-1905. Also a photo of the ship Empress of China. Thank you!
Judy Hatcher <hhatcher@avana.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Wednesday, March 03, 1999 at 00:54:27 (EST)
I am looking for vintage Japanese photographs, ca. 1880-1920. Prefer people, geisha, samauri, semi-nude, or religious. Please send me email.
John Hall <hall@urchin.net>
Eureka, CA USA - Friday, February 26, 1999 at 00:26:29 (EST)
Have 2 Japanese wood block prints-embossed borders. Title of prints is CHATTERBONES & JAPANESE RICE FARMER.
Dan Barnes <sf33@mindspring.com>
GA USA - Thursday, February 25, 1999 at 12:27:58 (EST)
I have six (6) Japanese wood block prints by Sanzo Wada--the title of the set is 'LIFE AND CUSTOMS" asking $900.00 US Dollars. I also have the seven (7) Japanese ivory gods (hand carved).--Please make offer. Also, Japanese hand carved cigarette holder with dragon on it in bone or ivory--Make offer.
Dan Barnes <sf33@mindspring.com>
GA USA - Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 19:47:55 (EST)
Hello from California! I want to exchange music records released in the USA for records released in Japan. Please let me know what you want and what you can trade. Thanks!
Wyman Brent <lietuva@hotmail.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Monday, February 22, 1999 at 20:27:55 (EST)
I have electric base-board heaters, several sizes, and would like to get rid of them, best offer or even the first offer should get them all.
Eric Pfeifer <staypuff@deepthought.stcloudstate.edu>
St. Cloud, MN USA - Friday, February 19, 1999 at 15:33:41 (EST)
I buy original TAKETORI MONOGATARI paints 17th -18th century.Please contact by E-Mail carlosse@mx2.redestb.es
Carlos Serra
Madrid, Spain - Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at 12:09:39 (EST)
Carlos Serra <carlosse@mx2.redestb.es>
Madrid, SPAIN - Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 18:19:43 (EST)
I'm looking for yo-yo's they sell in Japan but not in the USA. Please help. Thanks
Mark Anderson <mrstrings@aol.com>
Madison, WI USA - Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 22:58:45 (EST)
PLEASE HELP- Looking for for a child size kimono, and obi for my 4 yr old daughter. I need it for a vocal contest in mid part of feb. If anyone has one for sale please email me at- rdudley@midusa.net thanks:)
Alisa Dudley <rdudley@midusa.net>
Ft. Riley, KS USA - Saturday, January 16, 1999 at 22:06:12 (EST)
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